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"What's wrong? I'm just going to drown you."

Of course, Kim Seung Jong just talking to scare Kim Rok Soo.

He's not that cruel to drown a kid.

But Kim Rok Soo's face filled with fear when I said that.


I threw Kim Rok Soo into the tub a little rough.

I know I'm mean, but I won't go easy on a child just because they had a rough life.

Not like I never saw someone being killed brutally when he was a child.

"You smell like medicine. Can you wash yourself?"

Kim Rok Soo immediately nodded without thinking twice.

He would be more afraid that Kim Seung Jong might really drown him.

I got out of the bathroom and went to the kitchen, opened the fridge, and grabbed all the easy cooking ingredients.

I'm sure the kid is starving right now.




I saw pancakes that looked delicious on the table.

"I'm so stupid."

Kim Seung Jong mumbled slowly.

Kim Rok Soo might not eat for a few days.  How could I even think of cooking pancakes!?

I should be cooking porridge!

Kim Rok Soo came out of the bathroom wearing only the robe there.

He saw his uncle who was cooking.

"Hnm... The smell of the medicine is gone now. Just put on my shirt first."

There were no children's clothes in the house.

Kim Rok Soo obediently wore a clean blue shirt.

I picked him up and placed him on a chair that had cushions so the table wouldn't be too high for him.

Kim Rok Soo looked at the pancakes on the table.

I ignored him and placed the porridge in front of him.

Kim Rok Soo just stared at the porridge for 1 minute.

"Eat or do you want me to plug the porridge into your mouth?"

Kim Rok Soo flinched and immediately took a spoon, putting the porridge into his mouth.


Because the porridge was still hot, Kim Rok Soo's tongue was burning.

But he didn't make a sound and put another spoonful of mush into his mouth.

He was afraid that he would be beaten up if he complained.


Kim Seung Jong tapped Kim Rok Soo's head softly making Kim Rok Soo look at him.

"Has no one taught you how to eat properly?"

Kim Rok Soo just kept his mouth shut and didn't say anything.

His uncle always found his fault every time to beat him up.

I took a spoonful of the porridge and blew on it so it wouldn't be so hot.

"Open your mouth."

Kim Rok Soo just obediently did it.


Kim Rok Soo's eyes shone.


I complained internally seeing Kim Rok Soo who said my porridge was delicious.

Shitty Uncle? I'm No Difference.Where stories live. Discover now