Moving on alone for safety

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Born in china, Rie Xiang never had a chance to be loved and taken care of due to her parents indifference towards her smile, and outgoing personality, which makes her as a victim of abuse at both hands; luckily, she was taken from the family home and placed in an orphanage until she reached the age of 20. The troubled teen decided to make a living even if it means getting almost in trouble with the law which carried out a little time in jail which turned her life around but not for long as she gave birth to a son. When the kid's father died under unknown circumstances, Rie packed her luggage when an midlife woman named Cruz came in the room.

- Miss, where are you going? You can't leave your son alone, you're his mother, she told her, very anxious.

- Cruz, I am leaving this town and I will never come back here but this child, I am giving you definitely. There's nothing I can do, Rie told Cruz , ensuring her without mentioning her own son.

Rie left the heartbroken woman and kid alone to travel in Japan

The son was heard crying and be taken care of by Cruz, while her boss didn't want to care about him at all

Guys, what kind of mother do you think she is? Let me know in the comments

Rie left the country to travel in USA in order to make a living for herself without being annoyed and getting in trouble

- I think i will have a better life for myself while my son will have the same with the woman taking care of him which I couldn't give him. I hope that he's fine, she said while settling down in Buena Park, California. After moving into the neighborhood, she found a house, she could call home.

One summer day in 1995, Rie was heading home from the grocery shop when she bumped into 23 year old Hiroshi Miyano.

" I'm sorry, I didn't see you coming"

"Miss, don't worry, it doesn't matter. Let me help you with those bags"

Rie realized that she found someone to understand her and love her and she was ready to do everything to make him happy. As time goes by, the pair became inseparable but they needed money to take Rie's son with them.
It's there Miyano came with a plan and a date to execute the plan: may 10, 1997.


Born in California on January 17, 1977 and raised in Florida as from polite child to a college student, Miranda was every parent's dream to have thanks to her well being , her good marks, and graduation from high school at age 18. Education also tamed the outgoing teen who prevented herself from every wrongdoings which made some students jealous of her behavior. at age 20, she already knew what was like to live a happy life with a part-time job and a house, a diary in which she wrote "the people I respect the most is my family, my friends; I must work hard to have also a family of my own" in addition to everything, she was an excellent cooker and a wonderful person. Everything was right for her until on may 10 1997, she and her brother found the parents dead in their house. Who could do this to an old couple? How and why? It's unknown. Two months after Miranda lost her parents at unknown hands , she was interviewed and released from the department due to lack of evidence . Tears began flowing in her eyes as she clinged to the sole pictures of her held as a baby welcomed by her parents; she wrote in her diary " no one deserves to lose a family like this, I miss them but I will never get over them staying alive in my heart"
This never stopped her from graduation from college in 1998 despite the traumatizing events.
However the death of her parents exposed a fake robbery; the gunmen arrested along with the co-conspirators except Rie and her boyfriend Miyano who already fled the state to their hometown in Japan.

" I thought they killed all the family, what sons of bitches!"

"Calm down, honey. It's not all family maybe they decided to spare the kids"

"I agree, but let me show you something in my hometown, you will appreciate it"Miyano whispered

" Ok, tell me" Rie knew exactly what was expecting her with this man.

Meanwhile, the police didn't have any evidence to tie the couple to the robbery and the case was still open; Still fresh out of college, Miranda decided to part in good terms with her brother for his safety as recommended by a family friend of theirs.


Moving to New York wasn't much easy for everyone seeking for stability and safety. That's where Miranda made the awful but also good experience of her life. On the morning of April 2, 1998, alone in her house, Miranda woke up after finding a job as an waitress that could decide whether she could choose a career of her own. After getting ready to work, Miranda noticed something very unusual when she got out of her house. After greeting everyone in the neighborhood, she shifted right to her job on time. While working, she was called by her boss to check on the recipes made from the last months and she was a good calculator as well. She still contacted her brother and asked how he was doing.
Meanwhile, the city wasn't immune to big crime rate and in the last years, hundred thousand died by gun violence, which led her to be careful


Meanwhile in Tokyo, Rie was driven head over heels by everything she saw,  everything she would hear as she devoted herself to her man.

- is it your home?, she quietly asked when they drove near Adachi, his old house.

- "Yes, as you're seeing, I was living in this town for a while but I had to move somewhere else. Let's drive a little far, I want to show you something." He said, reassuring an anxious Rie who listened to him

They arrived at a warehouse, where he had been working since he fled a seven year juvenile prison sentence for sexual assault.

Inside there was a table, two to three rooms, a bathroom, a living room.

" You're so lucky than I am!" She said, ecstatic about it was.

And they kissed when two people entered with two girls tied up apart

" Ah, here's what I call job"

"Good Morning, Boss. Good morning, Miss" which Rie answered with a smile.

" Now, who are those little gals I had in my way?"

" We ran up to the town of Nagoya, and once hit the streets we found those pearls" The first guy talked

" You should let me talk as well, guy., Humm, once we tracked those girls, we took them here as they proposed, didn't we?"

One of the girls started to open the mouth as they wanted to contradict him when she received a strike in her face.

" Shut the fuck up, you bitch!" He told her

Rie was told to rip off the clothes from the girls and take them to the next room, which she did as Miyano joined her to teach her how to rape a woman with an object

Then they filmed the girls getting raped and tortured for days as they were reported missing; Rie began to have a thrill about being a serial sadistic rapist, which Miyano has since he was a teen

However, To make a real start in her life, Miranda retired from the job to take care of her aunt who was diagnosed with cancer as being told, but is convinced to make something she loved by inspiration

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2023 ⏰

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