The Flash (Harry Styles Fanfic)

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I put my blonde hair in a slightly messy bun. My makeup was messed up and I was in my yoga pants and a t shirt. I was getting ready for a horrible day. I was the only one home and I couldn't stand but get on my laptop and look up more Harry Styles fan fictions. Harry was my favorite member of One Direction. My walls were covered in posters and merchandise of him. I was totally obsessed. Oh! I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Arielle, like the little mermaid but spelled differently. When one direction came into my life, it changed. But my only hope in meeting them was tweeting them on twitter and getting retweeted or using all of my life savings to buy tickets. But I knew that would never happen.

I heard a knock on the door and knew my mom was finally home. She had blonde hair just like mine and was wearing a blue satin dress that went down to her knees. Her name is Diana. She supposedly had a "business meeting" but I knew she was out partying again. There was no doubt in my mind that she had spent all of her money on drinks. My mom's boyfriend named Derek is a total jerk. He only comes over when he's wasted and wants to get my mom into bed. I hated him. But I knew I had to live with it.

Everyday I dream I will marry Harry Styles and have a happy ending. But there was only like a 1 in a million trillion that would happen, if that was even a number. 

My mom came in the room shouting "Arielle! We are going on a vacation!" I stood and stared and tried to think and wonder if she was wasted or really being serious "Where are we going? I exclaimed. "We are going to New York City!" mom said excitedly. "That's amazing! When are we going!" I said eager to find out. "Our plane is tonight. We will be there for a week. Start packing!" Mom said.

I went upstairs in my room and found my pairs of tight sexy pink lace panties. I packed only one thong. I grabbed 2 t shirts, 3 pairs of shorts,1 pair of jeans, 1 pair of yoga pants, 3 v neck shirts , and some pajama pants and a pajama shirt. I took my toothbrush, hair brush, some hair accessories and some earrings. I made sure I took my converse shoes and my high heels just in case we went partying.

I put my things in my sparkly grey bag. I couldn't believe we were actually going to New York City. But then I had to wonder.. Are we taking Derek with us? I walked into the kitchen where my mom was making some tea. "Mom, are we bringing Derek with us on vacation?" I pleaded in my mind that she said no. "Of course we are! I love him and he loves you so yes!" Mom exclaimed. In my head I was thinking, this is going to be the worst vacation ever.

I heard another knock on the door and knew it was Derek. I walked slowly in agony to the door. I opened it and I saw a tall , tanned man with a t shirt and shorts on. He smelled like after shave. Gross.

"Aren't you going to let me in you little brat? Derek said. "Not if you're gonna treat me like that." I said with power over the authority. "Sorry now where's your mother? I brought extra condoms just in case." Derek said with a smirk on his face. Inside I was thinking about how many times they have had sex, but stopped because I was getting chills.

"Mom, Derek is here!" I screamed to the kitchen. My mom came running in with open arms to Derek and gave him the biggest hug I have ever seen her give. I don't even think she has given me that big of a hug. Then Derek grabbed my moms arm and pulled her closer and then they started making out so I walked out of the room. I couldn't stand that. It gave me the worst chills.

It was almost time to get in the car and drive to the airport. I put my shoes on and put my bags inside the trunk of our car. Derek and mom came outside an put their bags inside the trunk as well. "Alright! It's time to go" Derek said as he got into the driver seat and turned on the ignition. I just remembered that I had forgotten my Harry Styles t shirt. I ran inside before we left and grabbed it right before Derek had nearly driven out of our drive way onto the road. I climbed back into the back seat and got comfortable. I knew it was gonna be a long ride. "Can we turn on the radio?" I asked pleadingly. "Sure" Derek said.

The radio started to play and just what I needed to calm my self down. One direction was playing on the radio. It was the song "Kiss You" my favorite song.

I rested my head on the window and listened to Harry and all the boys sing. I imagined they were singing it to me. But I had doubts that would never happen.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2013 ⏰

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