・❥・𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝟧 ・❥・

890 38 26

Before Y/N knew it, she had been placed on a bed where she sat up on the side with both Osano and Taeko off to the side. From around a wall, she would see the figure of a pastel pink-haired man dressed in all white scurry over to the trio.

"O-Oh you must be- Uoah-!"

Out of nowhere, the male nurse seemed to trip over his own feet, sliding on his knees, and landing mere inches from where Y/N was sitting. "Ah- Are you okay, Kina-san?!" Takeo asked in flurry of worry (hey that rhymed).

Slowly, the pink haired young man raised his head. "I'm okay.. sorry for all this trouble..." he whined, feeling slightly embarrassed as he rubbed his head. However, when he looked up, he was greeted with the sight of the (h/c)-ette looking down at him with slightly widened eyes and pink dusted over her cheeks.

𝕄𝕦𝕛𝕠 𝕂𝕚𝕟𝕒'𝕤 𝕆𝕍: ̗̀

As I slowly focused on my setting, I realized I was faced to face with a young, (e/c)-eyed woman. She seemed equally as shocked as I was, considering I could feel my cheeks start to warm up... No, they were burning. It almost hurt but for some reason, it also felt good..?

Looking up at this girl I could only realize how cute she was. (h/c) hair and beautiful (e/c) eyes... I don't think I'll ever forget those eyes- Not in a million years! But I couldn't let her stunning beauty blind me, I was at work right now- I couldn't be daydreaming like this!

I hurried to scramble up and apologize. Bowing to the girl and her friends I spoke, "I-I'm so sorry.. I'm such a klutz-" I put a hand on my cheek. "W-What is the problem..?" I could finally look up at them.

The black-haired girl was the first to speak, "L/N-san hit her head on the vending machine upstairs. We just wanted to make sure she didn't hurt herself too badly." she explained. What a compassionate thing to do.

"She's probably fine, baka.." the orange-haired boy commented as he crossed his arms. "Well, it's still a good thing you came to see me, you can never be too careful..!" I chuckled lightly at the end. "W-Would you allow me to examine where you hit your head... L-L/N-san..?" I asked. I liked how her name sounded... L/N. I can only hope to learn her first name.. hope, that most likely won't happen.

The girl known as L/N nodded and pointed to the back of her head. "It doesn't hurt too much.. sir." she muttered. I would step around her and lift her hair up to examine the area, "My name is Mujo Kina, you're the new student, right..?" I asked, attempting to make small talk.

She tilted her head a little, "You already know..?" I would hum to confirm her question, "News travels fast around here..!" I chuckled. She responded with a short 'Ah..' while her black-haired friend began to talk to her again. She doesn't seem to talk a lot, but she's still incredibly cute..!

Seeing that there was no damage to her head I went back to my original position in front of her to which she looked up at me. "There doesn't seem to be anything wrong, but please come see me if anything gets worse..!" I said, clasping my hands together.

L/N stood up and bowed, "Thank you, Kina-san..." Hearing her say my name made my heart skip a beat! I could even feel my cheeks growing warm once more. "O-Of course! Have a good day you three..!" I smiled and waved them off as they left.

Watching them go made me a bit sad, I haven't the faintest clue as to why though... But seeing that girl.. I hope she comes around more.

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