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SYNOPSIS - Freckle x male reader fluff, but it's Valentines.

When you were early, Freckle was earlier.

It was humid, and the sun and the windless air made everything slick and dewy. Valentines would call for a more romantic sort of weather - breathy spring air with a touch of sun; a snowy day in which lovers would snuggle by the fire; rain and birdsong. Anything but the day it was this February morning.
The heat had chased away even the bravest of cats, and so the streets were barren and only stray petals floated down the brick-pined road. Couples had opted to crowd little cafés called 'The Tater in the Sack' or 'Ballgown Lady' to catch some shade. In fact, you could pinpoint the kind of relationship you had depending on where you went. Some cafés were for couples on the edge of a marriage. Others housed those who would rather spend their once-a-year paid leave playing golf or sipping margaritas in a strip club.

You, however, didn't belong to any of those places, and weren't like any of those couples.

You belonged to the Little Daisy café. And by extension, Freckle McMurray.

He was sitting alone, dressed all put-together, on a barstool brought up the counter. His claws were pinched into his nice ironed pants, and every few seconds he would flick an anxious glance at the big silver clock hanging above the door. You watched in suprise. You'd agreed to meet at 11 o'clock, but you'd arrived at 10:40, and he even earlier, apparently. It was a habit of his - a way to impress you, it seemed, but all it did was remind you how cute Freckle was which was the complete opposite of what he was trying to accomplish. You smiled a little. Then you knocked on the door and slipped inside.

"Y/N..." Freckle stood up from his seat, prepared to march right to your side; but instead he stopped at the sight of you, breath held. He tugged on his tie. His eyes, wide and bright, were flickering over your face, your clothes, your tail; which was flickering and betraying your excitement. There was of course interest in Freckle's gaze - you hadn't put on your glad rags for nothing - but guilt, too. Obviously, he wasn't used to checking others out.

The silence and the staring made you blush. It was not the kind of 'smoldering-mysterious' character you were going for.

"Well, it's quite an awful day for Valentines, isn't it?" You said hastily, taking off your coat. 

"Quite." Freckle breathed, still giving you his rapt attention. Taking his hand and rubbing it gently between your paw, you motioned for Freckle to sit back down as you sat on the next barstool.

He did so. Quickly, he produced a small bouquet, pretty white flowers wrapped up in brown tissue paper.
"Here." He said, looking down with embarrassment. "Generally, I would have gone with some a little less bland - although, do you find it sophisticated? If so then that's exactly what I was going for. But, er, here."

You gentley took the bouquet in your paws and beamed.

"Aren't you a gentleman!" You praised. Freckle mumbled bashful nothings at that.

After taking a moment to appreciate the flowers - the petals, prim and proper, the stems and leaves, a dark shade of green - you took out your own bouquet and handed it to Freckle.

"Well..." You began with a nervous sigh. Now in Freckle's paws, the bouquet was possible one of the more... interesing... kind of flowery gift. It consisted on some truly strange colour combinations, berries, twigs, roots, and a half-grown sapling that could have been ripped right out of the soil. That is to say, it was.

Freckle hid his disdain well. But it was clear that he felt as much love to the the abomination as he did to a cockroach nesting in his shoe.

"I thought it would be romantic!" You flustered, the sudden urge to grab the bouquet and rip it to pieces so strong you almost went through with it, "I read about picking flowers in this book I got out (a good read, actually), or maybe it was this story my friend told me the other day that influenced me, b-but I really wasn't meaning to give you..." You gestured. "...this."

You're breathing was loud. You watched Freckle, apprehensive.
Then his face cracked into a warm smile, and he lay the bouquet down and held your paws and smiled even brighter.

"Thank you, Y/N. This - well, the thought - was sweet." He looked you up and down once again.

You teased Freckle's ankles with your tail. "When you tell I'm handsome and I'll return the favor." Being direct seemed to do the trick. Freckle blushed deeply and cleared his throat, trying to sort himself before he said:

"You are very handsome, Y/N."

"And so are you, Freckle McMurray."

During those few soft words, somehow you'd managed to close the distance between you so you were both mere inches apart. A little laugh and then you were kissing, gentley, and Freckle's paws were cupping your cheeks in unexpected confidence, and suddenly you weren't aware of the stickiness and the humidness brought on by the weather this Valentines day.

Freckle's hands eventually found your tie. He fumbled as he undid it. Also blushing now, you laughed and pulled yourself away.

"I know it's hard when someone with my dashing good looks is around, but maybe we should..." Freckle interrupted with another kiss, a bruising one this time, which made you groan in anticipation.

"Oh what is going on here?"

Freckle squeaked and you quickly disentangled yourselves. Rocky had appeared, grin on full display, right on time to end to what might have become public indecency.

"So..." Rocky crooned, trapping both you and Freckle in a headlock, "Freckle has a boyfriend! Didn't think you had the guts to make yourself a treat for a lucky guy. Unsurprisingly, the man you've won has bested you in looks and presentation! That's 0 for 2."

Freckle frowned, his ears flushing. "N-no - I mean yes, he is my partner of sorts, but I am no one's treat - that is, unless... nevermind. And he is handsome alright, especially compared to me, but no one asked you to point out my flaws Rocky." He ended that last word in a hiss.

The grey tabby shrugged and let go of you and Freckle.
"True. But when have I ever waited for permission?" Freckle's sigh could barely be heard over Rocky's manic laughter.

"Let's get out of here." Said Freckle, throwing your coat over your shoulders, "we have much better, more private-" He glared at Rocky, "-places to be."

Planting an aggressive kiss on your cheek (more to set off Rocky that anyone else), Freckle lead you out of the café.

Rocky breathed in to yell some witty remark, but the door slammed shut, cutting him off, before he could get a word out.


The bouquets were forgotten.


A/N this didn't really have a plot or a point to it, I just felt like writing it to get back into writing and to give u a preview.

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