Chapter 22: Criminals among us!

Start from the beginning

Perspective Change: David

We had discharged ourselves from hospital. The doctor didn't have much of a problem with it, despite the nurse's wonderment. He looked at us, and he knew something was different. He didn't question it, nor did he remark on it, he just knew we no longer needed to stay.

I helped Amber up the front steps, onto the porch. She was still a little unbalanced, both from exhaustion, and a semi-healed broken leg. She had tried to walk on her own, but eventually gave up, placing an arm around my shoulders to steady herself.

"I can carry you."

"Really? I remember someone saying I was heavy." She replied with a glance.

My mind snapped back to our first meeting, in which I had run to her, and carried her home. "I never said that! You told me not to remember?"

"Yeah Amber, David picked you up without a hitch." Isaac said behind us.

Deadpan silence was the only applause he received for the spectacular pun.

"Move it." The principal spoke from behind our four man group, about as unamused as we were.

I sighed and rested Amber against the wall, reaching for the key in my pocket. The almost-elderly man had driven us home in a rather shiny four wheeled drive. How he could see over the dash, I would never know, but we were here none the less. The lock clicked and the door swung open to reveal a gloomy darkness. I went back for the girl in white, as the other three entered without ceremony.

"Where's your mother?" The principal asked, revealing the reason he had actually come.

I walked her through the doorway and into the media room, laying her down on the sofa. "Away, don't know when she'll be back."

The girl avoided my gaze, but nodded a thanks. Her shy side had made a small appearance.

"Where's your father?"

"Good question." I replied, moving to flick on lights and start the heater.

The man seemed to grasp my meaning, and hesitated before moving on. "Raven? You stay here?"

The redhead ascended the stairs, moving towards the shower. "Better than where I was."

"Isaac? Where are your parents?"

He looked confused for a second as he sat at the table, propping his feet on the glass. "Ask Amber."

I moved into the kitchen and put the kettle on, subtly noticing how Isaac had shifted the man's attention. Through the doorway, I saw him turn to Amber, who only smirked.

"Dead, I'd hope."

He swallowed at her blatant honesty. "So you guys live here, alone? What do you do for food?"

"David cooks." Isaac announced. "Although we did meet his ex-girlfriend at the coffee place."

"That's right." Amber affirmed with a little too much enthusiasm. "The one he had never talked about."

"Well you didn't exactly ask." I muttered from the kitchen, taking a set of mugs from the cupboard.

"What about money?"

"It's been my savings up until now. Speaking of which," I stuck my head around the corner. "If you know of any job opportunities that could support six people, I'd like to put forth my candidacy. Do you want tea, or coffee?"

He seemed taken aback by the whole situation, and the question. "C- Coffee, thanks."

I moved to prepare the drinks, already knowing that if I made one, I had to make six more.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2023 ⏰

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