Chapter 5.

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Chishiya's POV:
Walking out of the cell I look around seeing Niragi as I quickly walk up to him clinging onto his arm. "Missed me?" He whispered patting my head kissing my cheek causing me to smile.

"You know I did.." "you're adorable." "Yeah?" "Yeah." He says pulling me into the cafeteria. "What are you looking for?" "Your ass, to bad they don't have it." He says as I feel my cheeks start to sting. "No I'm kidding, uhhh..I feel like smoking a goddanm cigarette right now." "I have a pack." I say pulling the box out of my pocket. "Been smoking without me I see?" "I would never." I say truthfully kissing him.

"Good boy, I see you really want me in you." "Please." "No wonder you're acting so goddanm stubborn. Keep the cigarettes." He says handing me back the box. "No-! Please! Just a few kisses on my thighs...please!" I beg tugging onto his shirt. "No." He says turning around walking away. Goddammit why is he like this..

Niragi's POV:
Smirking I hear his tiny footsteps following after me as I pass a particular girl winking at her nudging her on purpose.

Waiting for her I hear someone coming. "I'm surprised you actually came, why are you with an asshole like him?" I say leaning against the wall as she leans against the one in front of me crossing her arms looking down. "Not like i have a choice.." "you're way to pretty to be with him trust me princess." I say getting off the wall turning her around to see what her suite is. "You're a spade." I whisper playing with her hair. "T-thank you.." she whimpers as I raise my eyebrows.

Seeing something purple on her back I lower her shirt finding bruises on her back. "Holy shit, who did this?" "Him..he's really rough.." "at least I'M gentle, god.." I mumble covering the purple shade. "You're pretty nice for a burnt guy." "Let's forget about that." I say turning her back around seeing her slightly smile. "I'm sure he's waiting for you, no?" I ask as she nods thanking me for telling her what was on the back of her neck.

Now what.

I turn to see the cute blonde standing there. How cute. "Why were you talking to her." "I thought I'd make a few friends." "Baby.. you're mine.." "god you just won't let go will you?" "Mm mm." "You're so stubborn." I say walking into the bathroom hearing him follow after me.

"..out." "No." "Out." "No." "Yes." "No." "..yes." "No." "Okay—babe. I literally have to piss." "Piss in my mouth.." what.

"Quit being a horny slut." I mumble unzipping the zipper of my pants as I feel him wrap his arms around me holding it. "At least let me hold it.." he says slowly stroking it. "M-mm..please." I whimper holding in my piss so he'd get upset. "Do it..please." He begs stroking it faster. "U-uhh..p-please—fuck-!" I whimper more as he stops letting me piss.

"I just wanted to hear your noises." He says chuckling as I softly push him off of me. "God you're disgusting." I whisper finishing zipping my zipper back up. "Tip reveal?" "Shut the fuck up." "Yes sir." He says smirking as we both walk out seeing the guy from earlier staring. "Need something?" I ask as he looks away heading into the bathroom, fuckin' weirdo.

Chishiya's POV:
I may be a horny slut, but I'm his horny slut.

"Babe." "What." He asks as i cling onto his arm once again. "You just won't stop huh." "..was he cuter than me?" "Who? There's a lot of cute men out there." "..the King of Clubs.." "oh, nah I'd say he was hotter." He says chuckling. That wasn't fucking funny.

Letting go of him he wipes his annoying smirk off his face. "Oh come on, seriously? Didn't you say you wanted to fuck the King of Hearts?" "I don't know what he looks like.." I mumble seeing him smirk. "Don't cling onto me anymore." "I wasn't planning on it." I say rolling my eyes seeing him shrug his shoulders walking away. Asshole.

I remember when he wasn't an asshole, why is he flirting with other people, he's MY goddanm boyfriend! Who cares if I set him on fire..he's still MY boyfriend..

God he's so annoying, who does he think he is? Acting like we never kissed..I want kisses, I miss my cat, I miss my best friend, I miss my eyeliner, I miss my skin care routine, I miss my bed, I miss too many things.

I'd actually stay here, if we didn't have to survive, I hate my job..

Niragi's POV:
Surely he'll come back begging for me to forgive him, I just love watching him on his knees begging, its so cute.

I sense someone's watching me, and I wonder who.

Hearing the lady speak I head into a cell. Shit, I don't know my symbol. I mean, I'll just guess.

Please tell us your symbol.

"Uhhh, okay let's see, heart?" I guess watching the countdown hearing loud bangs. Looks like some bitches were lied to.

Opening my door I say Chishiya's lip trembling hugging me tightly. "I didn't tell you your suite, oh thank fucking god you're still alive.." he whispered digging his face into my chest as I just raised an eyebrow. "Why'd you think I would die?" "The loud bangs..don't scare me like that!" He says continuing to hug me. "Aww, you care about me?" I say looking down at him grinning as he tilted his head back looking at me with those beautiful eyes of his.

I stop grinning as he pecks a kiss onto my lips. "Yeah, I do." He says as I chuckle. He burned me.

"Totally." I say sticking out my tongue showing him what he did. "Holy shit-!" "Shhh." I shush him sliding it back in. "I like my men burnt." He whispers smiling at me as I stare deep into his eyes noticing that he was..hard.

My eyes widen as he softly kisses my neck. "Can we? Please?" He asks holding onto my shirt looking at my eyes with a pleading face. "Do what~?" I say wanting him to tell me more. "You know what..stop playing around.." "I don't think I know this "what" that you're talking about, kitty." "Yeah you do, stop. Please." "Please what?" "Fuck me..please. I'm asking nicely. Please." He begs pushing me into a cell closing the door behind him pushing me down taking off his jacket, this will be fun.

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