Ch. 7.5

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3rd person p.o.v.

It had been a day since (Y/N) went missing. It was currently after school and the House of Lamentation was quiet. Lucifer was with Diavolo, Barbatos, and Solomon trying to find a clue as to what happened to (Y/N). Levi was in his room playing video games. Satan was in the house's library, reading like always. Asmo was in his room, going through his closet and makeup. Beel and Belphie were in their room. Beel was eating meanwhile Belphie was sleeping. Mammon was in his room, laying on his bed just staring at the necklace and ring he had bought for (Y/N).

The house was never this quiet. Let alone the brothers. The angels noticed the change instantly during the day. They found out about (Y/N)'s disappearance the same night it happened. Solomon had told them when he returned to purgatory hall.

Luke looked at Simeon with worry.

"Are they really ok?" Luke asked. Simeon looked at Luke and gave him a soft smile.

"To be honest, I think they're devastated. And who wouldn't, (Y/N) is missing without a trace." Simeon said. He was surprised. A year ago Luke wouldn't even bat an eye at the demons behavior. Yet now, Luke was worried. Luke truly did learn a thing during the year they spent in the Devildom.

"Do you think we can help?" Luke asked.

"Well, all we can do is support them and help with some things. We can help Diavolo and Lucifer with the student council." Simeon said.

"That's not what I meant. Should we help by asking Michael to help us?" Luke asked, hoping this could be helpful.

"Well we would have to ask Diavolo if we can. After all a human was lost during their stay in the Devildom. It might cause an uproar within the three realms." Simeon told Luke. "But we can mention the idea to him. It wouldn't hurt." He said with a smile. Luke smiled back.

The angels decided to see Diavolo immediately. So here they were, in front of the demon lords castle. They knocked and Barbatos opened the door.

"Luke, Simeon, what a surprise to see you two here. Come on in." Barbatos said, letting the angels inside.

"Thank you Barbatos." Simeon said.

"We need to speak with Lord Diavolo!" Luke shouted at Barbatos.

"Please teach that puppy some manners. This is the Demon Lords Castle, not some circus." Lucifer told Simeon.

"I apologize about Luke's outburst." Simeon said apologetic.

"Its alright, now what do you need to speak with me?" Diavolo asked.

"Can we get Michael to help us find (Y/N)?" Luke asked.

"Hm, that would be very risky." Solomon said, joining the conversation.

"That's right, if others found out about a human going missing in the Devildom. All of Diavolo's work would be in vain." Lucifer said.

"However, another pair of hands wouldn't hurt." Diavolo said with a smile.

"My lord, I'm afraid I have to disagree. If any of the higher ups in the celestial realm find out, they may just terminate any progress we've made. Isn't it your dream to have all three realms living in peace?" Barbatos asked.

"Well yes, but our main priority right now should be finding (Y/N). Who knows what they may be going through. They might be in danger as we speak." Diavolo said.

"I'm hopping that the butterfly I sent with them is still there. If it is then I should be able to sense if they are in danger." Solomon said trying to ease everyone's worry.

Lucifer glared at Solomon. However when Solomon looked at Lucifer, he just looked away. Lucifer was pissed, how can Solomon say that (Y/N) is fine and that he can sense when they're in danger. Solomon didn't even notice when they went missing.

Barbatos looked at Lucifer. He knew what the demon was thinking.

"We should focus on finding any more clues. Lets not drag any other people unless it is absolutely necessary." Barbatos said. "Of course that is if you're ok with it, my Lord." He said looking at Diavolo.

"Well you are right Barbatos. Lets keep this to our selves and focus on finding (Y/N)." Diavolo said.

Suddenly the door opened and in came six demons. The remaining 6 brothers, since Lucifer was already there.

"What has gotten into you all to barge in the Demon Lords Castle like that?" Lucifer asked, getting angry. "Its almost like you all want to get hung from the ceiling." Lucifer threatened  them.

"I felt something." Mammon said. The others nodded along with him.

"Specify." Lucifer said with a strict tone.

"I just felt like something was wrong. Like when (Y/N) is in danger." Mammon replied, he started to tear up a bit.

"He's right Lucifer! I felt it too!" Asmo exclaimed.

"It woke me up." Belphie stated.

"I also felt something, despite watching Ruri-Chan." Levi said.

"I'll be honest and say that I also felt that. Whatever it was, it wasn't a good feeling. I can't describe it too well, all I know is that I feel like something bad is happening." Satan said.

"I also felt it, and it wasn't my stomach." Beel said, a sandwich in hand. Clearly he was eating prior to this. "I lost my appetite some after that too. Otherwise I would have finished this by now." He said pointing at the sandwich.

Solomon, Diavolo, Barbatos, the angels, and Lucifer looked at each other. Just then Lucifer stumbled and held his head. This caused the others to look at him.

"Are you ok Lucifer?" Diavolo asked.

"I understand, I just felt it too. Its clear to me that something is wrong. (Y/N) is in danger." Lucifer said looking at Diavolo.

"Can you explain it? Or at least tell us how far away it felt?" Barbatos asked.

"Its just a pain in my head and a feeling that something is wrong. I can't describe how far it is. Its almost as if they were only a realm away. As if they were in the human realm or the celestial realm." Lucifer said trying to remember the feeling he had.

"I saw something when I felt it." Mammon said.

"What did you see?" Barbatos asked.

"Ink. I was sleeping when I felt it. I saw something in the distance but I know I saw ink. It was dripping from a stone thing." Mammon explained trying to recall what he had seen.

"Did anyone else see anything?" Solomon asked. The other brothers shook their head. Except for Belphie.

"I also saw something like ink. Although I only saw it spreading. As if someone poured the ink on the ground and let it do its thing." Belphie said.

"Could that be a hint?" Luke asked.

"I can't say for sure." Solomon said.

"Lets look to see if we can find a curse relating to ink." Barbatos said. "We'll meet again here for privacy. Let's meet up in two days. We'll bring anything we find then." He said.

"So you three are doing all the work and letting us do whatever?" Mammon asked. Lucifer was about to scolded him when Diavolo interrupted.

"No, I want all of us present right now to look. I want for all of us to be equally involved. I think that you would be better off doing this rather than being alone." Diavolo said looking at Mammon. Even though it had been only a day since (Y/N)'s disappearance, Mammon looked like a mess. He looked tired and it was clear his hair hadn't been brushed prior to being here. Mammon had also revealed he was asleep just a few minutes ago. Normally he would of been out, spending money or gambling. Yet here he was, worried about a human and looking like a mess.

The other brothers weren't better either. Although the one who looked worse was Mammon.

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