The weird gameboy

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As you take a walk around the park you have discovered a gameboy on the bench.

'hm, maybe a little kiddo left it on accident.' you thought to yourself.

'well uhh I guess I can take it because y'know.... Finders keepers!!!' you said jokingly. (Unless)

And then you noticed something weird was going on with the gameboy.

It was vibrating so hard it just randomly fell out of your hands.

You on the other hand didn't quite understand how or why the gameboy is acting so weird.

And what happened you asked?

You get sucked into the gameboy.

You tried your best screaming as loud as you can for everyone to hear you.

But, no one can.

So, you get sucked into the void of the gameboy.

Then, for an odd reason you start to feel dizzy.

Everything was starting to turn black.

Your eyes start to grow more and more weight that it gets heavier and harder to keep them open.

Finally, you passed out into the mysterious gameboy void.

To be continued..

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