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Lou taught them about the 's's, of messes.' A few dolls laughed, but overall no one found it amusing. He had a big firework show, and Clair thought she heard a voice saying, "I wanna hate him, I mean I really wanna dislike this guy, but ya gotta respect a man's fireworks budget". Then they had to complete an obstacle course. Sasha looked terrified of all the sand and paint obstacles, but Clair went head on into the course.

Clair went jumping on the edges of paint buckets, on a course of blue ring monkey bars, through pain blasters, and glue. She finished without a spot on her clothes, on her face, or in her hair! Everyone stared at her jump of the paint buckets at the end. No one else had even started besides all of those things people call 'UglyDolls'. 

Sasha started to go through but shrieked and fell when she reached the last blue monkey bar, which let to sand in her hair and a trip in the wash. "Oh, I hope Lou was wrong about being less perfect because of the wash!" Sasha moaned. After lessons they headed to the cafeteria again for lunch, and had a half an hour to relax at a pool with the other dolls. At the pool they passed the beach balls and relaxed on floaties, until it was time to change back into clothes and go to training center.

Lou was waiting with a lesson about the Gauntlet (the final test to go to the big world), and he showed them the obstacles they would be facing if they chose to compete in the Gauntlet. After that lesson, lessons where over for the next two days.

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