chapter two

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               𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬

Emily Williams was only young when she was presented with the emotions of fear.

Fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain or harm. Something a six-year-old should only feel when falling off their bike or being alone in the dark, but Emily was different. She didn't know what a bike was and being alone in the dark was the last of her worries, Emily felt fear of more serious life-threatening things. She gets scared when she hears a human-eating monster that could and would kill her, she got scared when she was alone in a little box under an old broken desk listening to the monsters walk past her as she silently cried wishing she was in her sister's arms, that was her fear.

It was noon now, and Emily heard her sister's door being opened. At first, she thought someone was coming into her room, making her hurry backwards until she hit the back corner. The guards scared her, even the people here that weren't like guards, she knew she couldn't trust them.

Emily heard Ellie talking in an annoyed manner, which indicated that they were in her room doing the checks. Emily never understood this part of the day, never understood why they asked her big sister such weird questions.

All that Emily wished was that she could stay with her sister, that she could know she was okay. Why did the people have to take her from Ellie every day? It wasn't fair.

Suddenly a door slammed and footsteps grew closer before Emily's door opened. She was already sitting at the back of the room so she didn't have to move, however, the presence of people still terrified her.

"Food. Eat up." The woman said before slamming a try on the floor and leaving.

The little girl didn't move, not for another 20 minutes. She was too busy thinking and she also wanted to make sure that no one else was going to come in.

Emily slowly began eating the sloppy leftovers that were left on her floor. She knew her sister didn't like to eat the food, but Emily wasn't dumb she knew that she had to eat whatever this was to survive. She had no choice, especially with her tiny body. The food was okay, not that anyone in this world would complain about how the food tasted.

After around 5 spoons of food, Emily felt sick. She wanted to eat more so she could be strong like her older sister but deep down she knew that she wasn't ever going to be brave enough.


Not long after "finishing" food, Emily's door was once again opened. This scared the young girl more than usual as this visit was unexpected. By now she knew roughly when people would come in her room, and now wasn't one of those times.

She was quick to move backwards as the door opened wider. Upon opening the door a woman walked in, Emily had seen her before but she'd never come in here before. The last time she'd seen her she was still outside the walls, this woman saved her but also brought her here and made her get chained up so was it really saving? The woman had darker skin and tied back curly hair, she had a stern but also soft look on her face which Emily could tell if she found threatening or comforting.

"You wanna see your sister, kid?" The woman asked, taking no notice of the fear radiating from the six-year-olds body.

"Y-yes! Please..." she jumped at the chance, anything to see Ellie, anything. As long as she could see her sister Emily would do just about anything.

The older woman moved closer to Emily and reached for her arm, making Emily immediately react and jump backwards.

"Relax I'm letting you out." The woman stated, still with a cold look on her face that made Emily feel like an idiot.

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