"And Vegas is Bible"


What the fuck..Bible..am I dreaming?..fuck no..but they're only dreams..I'm so confused..are they real..?..these dreams..are they real..?..

"The two boys with you was Macau and Porchay , right?"

Macau?..man I swear I feel like I'm dreaming but these names , they're from these freaking dreams..I'm able to predict the future or did I get reincarnated?..unbelievable..that shit sounds unreal..

"Macau goes as Ta and Porchay as Barcode now"

My name? That man has some explanation to do..I'm confused..was i reincarnated?..did I have a past life..?..but..

As Ta was into his deep thoughts , he suddenly saw Jeff going away but Ta pulled his arm

"What the-"

Ta hit his head by the chest of Jeff as he pulled him too hard

"Ta? What're you doing here?"

Just then they saw Build going out of the bathroom and went to his table

"You've got some explanation to do"

"About what?"

"Don't you dare act clueless! Who is Macau!? I keep getting these weird dreams of some mafia and bodyguard these past weeks , and I even saw your own face , I thought it was only some kind of dreams or nightmares but now I hear you talking about that , who am I? Did I really have a past life?"

Jeff sigh

"Calm down Ta , listen , these things that you called dreams aren't actually dreams but your past life , in your past life , Bible , your cousin was your brother in the past life and you belonged to a mafia family , your brother was a mafia leader"

"Then , if I was reincarnated for real..you were my enemy..?.."

"Yeah I were , your family and my family were enemies , we were related back then but now we aren't"

"Damn..that shit seems too unreal to believe.."

Jeff chuckle

"It does yeah , have you got any sharp pain whenever you passed someone before?"

Jeff asked curiously

"Yeah..i did , with you and Bible.."

"Ta , how did you die if I may asked curiously?"

"Well..I don't remember.."

"You're lying..I can see in your eyes that you're lying"

But was it really me? Did I really do that?

"I can't assume it.."

"What was the last thing you dreamed about?"

Jeff asked , looking into his eyes

"I remember..um..a car..coming at full speed at me..and hit me..maybe.."

Ta said as he looked down

Jeff sigh

"Is it really true that I did live before?"

"Yeah you did..you were kind of annoying back then.."

Jeff said smiling , Ta punched him in the shoulder

"How rude you're , I bet you were more annoying.."

Jeff smiled as he was amused

"Let's go eat now.."

Ta nodded , they both went back to the table


"So yeah..if I didn't overheard their conversation , I wouldn't have known anything..and I would have kept thinking that it was dreams or some kind of nightmares.."

Ta said looking at Bible

"And you?"

Tong said glaring at Jeff

"I'm amused by you glaring at me , it doesn't look like the old Tankhun I know.."

Jeff said as he chuckle

"Oh Jeff , you're fucking annoying"

Jeff shrugged

"Well I knew it way before you if you asked me..the second I felt your and Mile's presence , I remembered everything"

Jeff said as he looked at Tong , Tong sigh

We'll meet again •Bible x Build•Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt