Roz: Rescue operation! The Liberator is going down. We need those troops! And that research!

Isaac snapped his head to look over at Roz. He mouthed a "What the hell?" to her but she held up a single finger to silence him. Isaac paced a little back and forth until a signal went out to all hands on the ship.

Theodore: All hands! Brace for a second bombing run. Heading 2243, Over.

Roz: Thank you, sir.

Theodore: Never ask for-

Roz: Anything ever again. I know.

Roz smiles and looks back over to Isaac.

Roz: Come on...let's go save their asses.

Roz walks past Isaac and pats him on the shoulder. He turns back to her and smirks a little before following her.


On the Liberator, Bazaar lands from his eagle form and runs into the bridge. There he sees a few dead Atlas soldiers. He runs forward into a hallway to see Nikko slamming his fists into a wall, trying to slam into Elsa and Winter. Winter's glyphs grab hold of Nikko's wrists and allows Elsa to leap up and slam her boots into its chest. Bazaar runs in and flips over Nikko, hitting the Grimm in the eyes with a few arrows.

Nikko breaks free from the glyphs and roars only to be met with a summoned Boarbatsuk slamming into him and sending him down the hallway.

Bazaar: Situation?

Winter: Pack broke apart after hitting the bridge! Pretty sure they are hitting the engine!

Bazaar: Burns' Research?

Elsa: Already sent WIOW down to capture and secure the lab.

Bazaar: This ship is going down, we dont have time to secure the lab!

Winter pushed past the two and stabbed the ground, sending glyphs up the hall and forming ice crystals. Each one stabs into Nikko or blocks the hall towards them. Nikko roars and begins to tear into the crystals and pull the ones out from his arms.

Bazaar: Contact them! Get them out of this ship now! That research could be the only way we stop the Grimm!

Elsa runs up and uses her semblance to send forth a massive blast of ice and snow directly into Nikko, freezing the Grimm in place. Bazaar shoots Nikko in the head, shattering some of the ice and breaking the beast apart. Bazaar casually turns back towards Elsa and Winter and raises an eyebrow.

Elsa: Calling them now.

Elsa takes out her scroll to make the call.


Inside the Citadel, Lavenza watches as the Liberator falls from the sky. He sees a single bullhead leave the ship as Nikko's pack tears into the back engines. He glances over to see Theo's ship slowly moving in towards the Citadel. He clicks a comm button on his console to call Damson.

Lavenza: Damson. Get ready for launch. Tear the old man apart.

Lavenza slowly moves a cannon to aim towards Snorri. He locks in and opens fire. Rather than cannon shots or missiles, Damson is launched from the cannon and towards the massive cruiser. Damson laughs the entire time he is thrown and slams down onto the upper hull. He laughs a little to himself and yells, charging forward towards the bridge.

Theodore looks out and sees Damson charging down. His eyes widen a little bit. He slams his hand down onto his scroll.

Inside the vehicle bay, Isaac and Roz get onto a Manta and take off. As they do, Isaac's scroll goes off.

Team FLME: Volume 10Where stories live. Discover now