Raven goes rogue

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Snow White's phone sat buzzing on the desk. "Let me free! Let me speak to my daughter!" she said from inside the pink cylinder of magic that was keeping her captive. "You've said plenty, Snowball." The Evil Queen told her.

"The magical binding is a bit overkill, even for you!" Snow argued back.

"Would you be more comfortable in mirror prison your majesty, or perhaps you would rather join your beloved school staff, in here!"

As the Evil Queen said this, she gestured towards the shelves with all the school staff that had been turned into creatures.

"Return us to our human forms at once!" Giles demanded. "You've no right to hold us here and take over our school! I won't stand for it!" Milton said as his frog form tried to stand up. The Evil Queen deliberately knocked the jar, causing him to fall over. "I can see you're hopping mad Milton! But this is my school now."

"They were right. I was a fool to give you a second chance!" Snow told her.

"Oh I know your game." The Evil Queen told her. "Bringing back the dragon centre? You were going to wait until I made the slightest misstep, then lock me up again to remind everyone you're such a perfect Queen! Well, you'll have to think quick, Slow White. Because I have the upper hand now!"

"Release me! My subjects won't rest until they find their true Queen!"

"Not if no one knows you're gone." The Evil Queen summoned a white snake that wrapped around her arm, before sending a pink light towards Snow. Snow, with no other choice, inhaled the light and her hair changed to white while her eyes glowed pink. The pink light reappeared and the snake inhaled it.

The Evil Queen placed the snake into one of the bigger glass containers. "You'll never get away with this!" Snow's voice came from the snake. "Hold your tongue your majesty." The Evil Queen said before letting out an evil laugh.

"Well, if it isn't the fire starter!" A girl said as she passed Raven who was at her locker. "Yeah, just like your mother!" The girls friend said.

"But I didn't- urgh!" Raven said as the girls walked away. Darling walked up to where Raven was. "Hey Darling, let's say a... particular student needed to hide out for a while, where would she go?"

"If that particular student wanted to find a place where, let's say the Evil Queen couldn't reach them, I know a perfect secret place in the enchanted forest. We are talking about you, right?" Darling asked. "Yes." Raven replied looking fed up. "I'll take you there on one condition, you count me in on whatever you're up to."

Raven's face lit up. "Deal! Meet me in the stables early tomorrow morning. Come alone."

Raven and Darling walked off and Faybelle had heard the whole thing. "So Raven is trying to go rogue." She gasped. "If I catch her trying to bail, the Evil Queen will have to take me seriously as a future villain!" Faybelle slammed her locker and flew off.

At the dragon stables the next morning, the dark dragons were sleeping on the grass outside. Raven snuck past, and then quickly ran inside as one of them started to wake up.

"Are you ready Nevermore?" Raven asked her dragon while petting her head. "Darling should be here any minute." There was a knock on the door and Darling came in, followed by Holly, Poppy, Ashlyn and Maddie.

"What part of come alone didn't you get?" Raven asked. "Well it might be dangerous" Poppy said "So we thought you could use some backup!" Holly finished. "Danger is my middle name, well actually it's xylophone!"

Lacia appeared in a cloud of smoke, startling the others. "And did you really think you could escape that hellhole of a school without your big sister tagging along, did you?" She said to Raven. "Can't blame a girl for trying."

"We'd better get a move on. Everyone, grab a dragon!" Darling said. All the girls ran over to their dragons. "Hi Morningstar! I missed you!" Lacia said to her dragon.

"Um, guys, these dragons seem pretty angry!" Ashlyn said as the dark dragons surrounded the doorway.

"This ought to by us some leave time." Poppy said as she carried a large bag of dragon food out to the door and threw it. The dark dragons all attacked the food. "What do you even feed dark dragons?" Lacia asked with a disgusted face at the smell of the food bag. "It doesn't matter, now let's go quickly!" Raven said and the group all snuck out of the stables, unnoticed by the dragons.

Faybelle landed just as the dragons flew off. "I'm too late! Urgh! Bad dragons!" The dragon looked up and burped onto Faybelle, covering her in chunks of dragon food.

Up high in the sky, the girls were very happy, they had escaped the evil school and were on their way to safety.

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