The Unanswered Call

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Jane had been trying to reach her best friend, Sarah, for hours. She had called her repeatedly, but Sarah never answered. Jane was worried that something might have happened to her friend, but at the same time, she was getting frustrated with the lack of response.

Sarah, on the other hand, was going through a tough time. Her boyfriend had broken up with her, and she was feeling lost and alone. She didn't feel like talking to anyone, not even her closest friend. So, when Jane called, she ignored the first few calls, hoping that Jane would get the hint.

But Jane was persistent, and she kept calling. The more Sarah ignored her, the more frustrated Jane became. Finally, after several hours of being ignored, Jane called Sarah for the last time. But this time, she didn't ask if Sarah was okay. Instead, she snapped at her.

"Shut up cat, I'm not a mouse," Jane said angrily. Sarah was taken aback by Jane's response. She had never heard her friend speak to her like that before. She realized then that she had been selfish, and that her behavior had hurt her friend.

Sarah apologized to Jane and explained what had been going on. Jane listened and comforted her friend, telling her that she was there for her no matter what. They talked for a long time, and by the end of the conversation, Sarah felt a little better.

The next day, Sarah sent Jane a bouquet of flowers and a heartfelt apology. Jane forgave her, and their friendship was stronger than ever. From that day on, Sarah made a promise to herself that she would never ignore her friend's calls again, no matter how bad she felt.

The moral of the story is that sometimes we get so caught up in our own problems that we forget about the people who care about us. But it's important to remember that true friends are there for us no matter what, and that we should never take them for granted.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2023 ⏰

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