Well, Miley thought she had gotten through to Jeremy, but Jeremy dropped the bottle. It smashed to the ground, and he pushed Miley to the side a little too hard, causing her to fall to the ground, and then he threw a punch at Tyler. A fight broke out between Tyler and Jeremy, with Vicki screaming at them, attempting to break up the fight.

Stefan came over and tried to break the fight between the boys, but he got punched for even trying and also got hurt again when Jeremy picked up his broken bear bottle and struck Tyler. instead, he got Stefan, not like Jeremy realised.

Miley shook her head and went to pick up her sketch pad from the ground. She narrowed her eyes at the open page of her pad. A sketch of Mr. Tenner's dead body in the school parking lot was staring back at her. It wasn't just the history teacher in the drawing; Stefan was there, and someone else she hadn't met before, but she drew a few times.

Glancing up from the drawing, she noticed that Stefan was no longer there, so she picked up her pad, shoved it back into her bag, and went to try and find my tenner before anything could happen to him. She was going to try and save someone.


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"Who's lame idea was it to come here again?"

"I believe the lame idea was yours," Sebastian responded to his brother's question.

For the full day, the brothers have been out, and now, for the night, Benjamin decided to end the night by going to the school bonfire.

"Why did you agree? We don't want to be here and don't even like football."

"Because you wouldn't stop nagging me until I agreed to go."

"I do not nag." Benjamin did nag a little. "Next time I suggest something as stupid as this, then I will give you permission to smack me."

"Okay." Sebastian easily agreed.

"You didn't even hesitate to agree with me."

Sebastian grinned, though his smile dropped a second later when he saw his father trying to kiss Elena. It looked like he was going to kiss her. "What is he up to now?"

Benjamin liked to know that as well.

The brothers watched as Elena slapped Damon and said something before storming away, leaving Damon stunned behind.

Sebastian and Benjamin weren't surprised when their father appeared before them. "You know it's rude to spy on people."

"And do you know it was a dick move you made trying to kiss someone without their say-so?" Sebastian shot back.

Damon scoffed. "I was just messing with her it wasn't like I was going to kiss her."

"Maybe you should stop messing with people and get a life."

"I'm having fun, and I'm not going to stop anytime soon."

"Your fun is going to get someone hurt, Dad." Sebastian wished his father would start caring about other people's feelings for once. "Let's go B."

Damon stopped his sons from leaving. "You two should understand the things I'm doing here don't affect either of you."

"Everything you do affects us." Benjamin snapped. "You always drag us in the middle of your stupid games, and we are sick of them. Be honest with us, Dad. Why did you even want us to come home in the first place?"

"You know why. I wanted to spend time with you and make up for the times I wasn't there for you. I'm s-"

"Stop saying you're sorry!" Sebastian yelled. "It doesn't mean anything unless you truly mean it.

"I'm trying here with you guys, but nothing I do or say is good enough for you, Sebastian," Damon said. "I'm trying my best to be a better father, but I'm not going to change the way I am. I'm not a nice person you both know that about me. I'm not going to pretend to be one for you two to give me a chance. I am going to be there for you no matter how much you don't want me to be or no matter how much you push me away. I love you and I made a promise to your mother which I'm not going to break." Damon never stuck around to hear what Benjamin and Sebastian were going to say because he didn't want to hear it. He was going to try and give them time to come to him on their own.

Sebastian turned to Benjamin. "Before we go home, I want to go somewhere."

"Where would that be?

"Somewhere that would hopefully make us feel better."


The place Sebastian had in mind was at their mother's grave site. 

Sebastian sat down in front of their mother's grave while Benjamin sat down flowers before he sat down next to Sebastian. 

"You are meant to buy flowers, not steal them." 

Benjamin rolled his blue eyes. "I didn't steal them. I borrowed them." 

"And are you planning on giving the flowers back?" 

"Why would I give them back?" Benjamin wasn't planning on giving them back. "The flowers now belong to our mother." 

"So you stole them, you didn't borrow them." 

"Shut up." 

After the playful banter between the brothers, it was quiet for about ten minutes before Sebastian said anything. "Would it make me a bad person if I said I wished our mother was here instead of our father?" 

"No, it wouldn't make you a bad person," Benjamin told Sebastian. "You can feel what you want to feel. You can feel sad, angry, whatever. Nobody can tell you how you can feel, Seb." 

Sebastian swore to himself that he wasn't going to cry, but he couldn't help that a few tears escaped. "Maybe things would be different if she was here." 

"And maybe our lives would be different if we had both of our parents," Benjamin said. "We don't know what our lives would've been like if we took a different path. I think we should both be grateful that we got a chance at some life, you know?" 

Sebastian nodded; he understood what Benjamin was saying. "Yeah, but it still doesn't stop me from picturing what it would be like." 

"Seb, I wish she were here as well. I wish we knew what a wonderful woman she was." 

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