The Kudou's whined and looked down in guilty and sorrow, being scolded by a ten years old is really break their pride as an adult. Moreover, what she said are all make sense and make them realise that they really become a bad parents for their child.

They look Shinichi that were sleeping in Yukiko arms in guilty, looking at the girl that gazing at them with displeased expression, they can see that she resent them for leaving Shinichi like that. It saddened them that the girl that have been a joy for their life giving them that kind of expression. They lost her trust and respect from their action through what they have done to their son.

They can't help but saw the truth behind her words, they really tried to run away from their problem. Since they don't know how to act as a proper parents to Shinichi, they thrown their problem to a ten years old. They took advantage of the girl generosity for willing to look after their son, so they have time for themselves.

But all the words that Narumi said, really stab in their heart and push the guilty button in their feelings. They look at each other and nodded sadly, turning back to the girl that have been do so much for them "Thank you, Narumi-chan for helping us opening our eyes and show us that we're really become a bad parents to Shinichi. And thank you for caress so much for Shinichi, that you willing to scold us, an adult to pointed our mistake for neglecting and mistreated him so much ever since he was born. And we're sorry for our action, sorry for putting all this burden to you, sorry for leaving Shinichi so we can have the time for the two of us without thinking that we could miss our precious time with Shinichi. Could miss our time seeing how he grown. We're really sorry." said Yukiko and the two sat up and bow at mother and daughter in apologize.

"And we promise that we will spend more time with Shinichi for now on until he don't need us anymore so please forgive this foolish parents of us, okay? Narumi-chan!" Yusaku said next pleadingly.

Narumi huffed with crossed arms still not convenience and look at them judgingly, "Should you apologize at Shinichi, instead of me? Who you wronged is Shinichi, not me!"

The Kudou's blinked at her and laughed sheepishly, "Yeah, well. It's true but we feel like want to apologize, since we intrude and burden you somehow." said Yusaku with gentle smile. Narumi huffed again but softened, "Apologize accepted." The Kudou's smile softly at her, "Thank you, Narumi-chan."

The girl then narrow her eyes, "But don't think I would forgive you if you pull this stunt again." warned the girl. The Kudos nodded in understand and promise that they would never do it again.

They talked for a bit and then the Kudou's excuse themselves since it's getting late. Christina and Narumi said their goodbye to the couple and Narumi give a kiss to Shinichi's forehead lovely, sad that they will parted but at least he finally get the love of his parents and it's not like they won't meet again. If the Kudou's still didn't learn their mistake, he will be in her care again. But if they learn the mistake, she will goes to their house for a visit.

For now, she was happy for her youngest brother for having his parents back, even though she still didn't trust them fully, yet.

"Let's get inside, Narumi. Tomorrow, you have a material art class, right? With cooking class. You need to sleep early so you can wake early tomorrow." Remind her mother beside her. Narumi nodded when she remembered that she had to take a few special class tomorrow and the two goes inside, closing the door.

While walking in the hallway together, Christina chuckled suddenly getting the weird look from her daughter. "Oh, nothing. Just, to think you gave a scold at those two is quite impressive for your own age, Narumi. Usually it would be me or your father, nagging at them for being irresponsible but seeing how affective the word you said to them is really impressive. I'm so proud of you." said Christina with proud smile.

Narumi blushed in embarrassment and delighted from the praise and grin at her mother happily. "Well, I just want Shin-shin have a love of his parents. That's all." Christina ruffled her daughter blond hair fondly, "I know, sweety. That's why, it was nice of you considered his well being despite not related by blood." pointed her while still stroking Narumi's soft hair.

"Family it's doesn't matter if with we related by blood or not, Mama. If we care for each other so much, it's already considered as family." Narumi state with so much wise. Christina blinked at the statement and smile warmly at her daughter, "You're right. Family doesn't just consider in blood, if we care for them so much, they already part of family. I'm really proud of you, Narumi. You have grown such a good and smart girl."

The two smile at each other lovingly. They then giving each other a goodnight kiss, Narumi excused herself to her respective room so she can rest for the day and welcome another day to continue her fullest life.


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