Chapter 4

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The next day, they goes to the Zoo. Kaito was happy to see so many kind of animals in there. They took a picture, feeding an animals that were allow to be fed, have a picnic at the resting area. And more and more, they were having fun and Narumi was happy with this development.

In her previous life, she always dream of having a loving and warm family. Now when it's come true, she had the hard time to believe that this was a dream and when she woke up, she was still fighting Kaguya and Zetsu to save the world.

But with Kurama telling her and pointed that this was real and she really had a loving family that she really wanted. She stop doubting herself and enjoy her life to the fullest with her new precious people. And with the ability that she had from her previous life, she will do what it got to protect them and keep them safe.

Since she learn that whenever or whichever world she was in, there was still evil people in this world that full of themselves and think that the world in their favour. So for that, she have to protect her now precious people that she meet since she was born in this world and keep them away from any harm and Kurama would be by her side to give her support that she needed.

Time skip...

A week after that, Chikage come to her house to pick up Kaito and thanks her for willing to took care of him in her holiday. Narumi told her that it's fine and she also enjoy her time with the boy and Shinichi also like him even didn't want to be separated with the messy haired boy. The two boy completely bonded and won't separated with each other, they even do everything together like took a bath together, sleep together, play together and many thing.

Narumi have no doubt that the two would be inseparable when they grown up if they continued like this. Even when Chikage came to bring Kaito home, the two were crying and don't want to let go.

Chikage and Narumi were having a hard time to separate them, even had to call Toichi that have been waiting in the car to coddle Kaito on letting Shinichi go. Only by bribing the boy by giving him a set of animal shape chocolate, he finally let go. The boy sniffed in tears and say his goodbye to Shinichi, "Bye, bye, Nichi. Let play again, kay?" the baby guggled in respond. In determination face, the boy walked to the baby and grasped his tiny hands with his own, his parents and Narumi were looking at the display and was shocked when he gave the baby a goodbye kiss on the cheek.

After coming out of their shock, the adults and the 10 years old said their own goodbye and the Kuroba's was off to their home.

When the sight of their car was gone, Narumi look at the baby in her arms and give him a knowing smile. "Looks like you have a beautiful future ahead of you, Shinichi. And I can't wait to see it." Murmured her in fondness in her voice. The baby look at her with his innocent blue eyes and Narumi pat his hair fondly and the two go inside with good memories.

Time skip...

The next day, the Kudos came to her house to pick Shinichi. Narumi was glaring at them for the whole time, when the two irresponsible parents notice her action, they have the nerve to ask why she glare at them like time.

"Oh I don't know. The part that you leave your son at the early age that still wasn't out of diaper in the hand of child that barely out of their adulthood or being a irresponsible parents that abandoned their child just to have their own entertainment, I'm not sure." said her humouredly. Her mother that beside her, smirked at the two with amusement. It's rare to see a child scolding an adult for being irresponsible for their child.

The Kudou's whined at that, they want to retort but close their mouth seeing what the girl said were the truth. Narumi still don't have enough, she speak of what in her mind "Are spending time fooling around are more important than spending time with your own child? You know that the time with your child is more precious than whatever you were doing right now? When they grown up, they have to fulfil their life and don't have time with you anymore. You don't even know if they will pass first before you or not and if it's really those, that will be the time you finally regret for not spending time with him more and miss everything that he achieve in his life. I know that you just step into a parenthood and was awkward with all of this, but at least you have to try instead of run away."

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