The Court of the Yellow Robed Demon

Start from the beginning

"I don't know who you dorks are, but hands off the merchandise! If I had my sword, I'd slice ya and dice ya!" I shouted and I pushed inside and fell onto the ground

"Well, well, well. Who is this little creature that comes wandering into my den?" I looked up and saw a guy sitting on a throne

"Who are you?! What am I doing here?! What do you want?!" I shouted

"Feisty. Very well" The guy stood up from his throne "Allow me to tell you a tale"

"Oh, it's okay. I should go..." I was about to leave, but the guy started telling his tale

'Oh boy'

"There once was a Celestial Guard who fell deeply in love with Jade Maiden. However, their love was forbidden. And so, by his hand, he sacrificed their immortality, that they might be reborn in the mortal realm, their union unbound by the rules of heaven. But fate moves slowly. To prolong his mortal life, the Guard ensnared and devoured powerful souls that wandered into his domain as he awaited the return of his beloved. But then, he met with a beautiful goddess traveling one day. He soon realized that the goddess has some similarities to his beloved and tries to pursue her, but sadly cannot enter the Celestial realm. He believed his beloved has been reborn as a goddess and blames heaven for taking her away once again" Once the man finishes his story

"Wait! Hang on a sec!" I said

"I am Kui Mulang, Guard of the Celestial Court, one of the 28 Mansions of the White Tiger and Devourer of Earthly souls. I have a feeling your chi will be especially... Xinla" Kui Mulang said with a grin

"Oh, I'll be spicy alright!" I charged towards him "White Horse Dragon Pepper Girl comin' right up!" I was to hit him, but traps me

"Such power, and yet powerless to use it" Kui Mulang said as he teleported me to what looks like a prison cell and locks me in

"Nnnooooo!" I cried

"Ah, another poor soul awaiting their fate at the hands of Kui Mulang" I turned around and a guy who looks about my age but seems older was sitting on the ground with a carefree smile

No One P.O.V Just a video of Tang teleporting everywhere to find his friends

Mei P.O.V

I tried to kick the cell door open, but I ended up getting hurting myself, and I heard the carefree guy chuckling at me

"What's so funny, guy?" I asked sounding agitated

"Oh, it's just, you know, you remind me of my sister. She too is impulsive" The carefree guy said

"Sounds like a cool gal. You know what's cooler? You helping me, bust, down, this, door!" I said as I continued on trying to break down the cell door "This would be easier if I still had my sword"

"Why don't you just make a new sword?" The carefree guy asked

"Oh, yeah! I'll just magically make myself a brand-new one of a kind ancient family sword! Any other bright ideas, or are you going to get over here and help me?" I asked, trying not to lose my temper. Then carefree guy started to get up but he ended up tripping and laughs

"Did you see? I-I just fell and bonked my brain cage. Ow" The carefree guy said not looking hurt or anything

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