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This is what Lani looks like as a mermaid.

I wake up the next morning in jacob's arms, as usual. I decide to just sleep in today so I just grab a soda and just go back to sleep. Plus for some reason the sky is looking gloomy so it looks like it's still night time.

That's actually kind of strange. It hasn't looked like this before and since when does it storm in the desert?! That's just crazy.

I start to hear jacob sturring in his sleep. He's saying something but I can't really make it out. I lean closer to hear him.

"Mmmh can't tell her....mmhhh about cresent moon.....mmhmh can't let her know.....mmhmh about this place".

Wait what?! What does all that mean?!

Wait ok how do I even know he's talking about me? Maybe he's just having a crazy, weird, random dream.

I have those all the time? It's normal to have crazy dreams right? Right?! Oh whatever I'll just ask him about it when he wakes up. Im going back to sleep and just gonna forget I ever heard any of that.

In Kehlani's dream...

Im in the ocean and I'm swimming deep under water with all the beautiful fish and reefs. I must have been down here for like an hour. I swim north and end up in this moon pool which is inside a volcano. It's a cave.

The moon shines over head and all of a sudden the water starts to bubble up.....

And that's when I wake up.

Damn it! I was just about to see what that whole "moon pool bubbling up" thing was about. Oh well, guess I'll always have that dream sometime again soon.

I look to see Jacob up walking around the fountain. I sneak around, making sure he doesn't see me, watching him.

Maybe I can get some answers.

I see him look up from the fountain and look at the sky. It's still gloomy so I'm sure he doesn't see anything.

All of a sudden he pulls out something that's circular and the cap opens. It looks like a pocket watch but I look closer to see that it's a compass.

What could he possibly need a compass for? Don't werewolves have excellent sense of smell and can hear really well? Why would they ever need a compass? All he has to is get a certain smell or hear a car or something, he'd never be lost.

I see him fiddle with the compass and then put it back in his pocket.

I see Jacob start to walk back to where I was laying so I run back and pretend to be sleeping.

"Lani? Lani wake up, are you ok? You've been asleep a long time"

"Mmhhh" I pretend to make a whine noise indicating that I'm tired.

"Lani" he says my name in a whiny voise.

"I'm tired Jakey" whining, deciding that he might like that pet name.

"Fine fine I'll let you sleep".

I really need to find out what his dream was about, and how it might actually connect to the one I had. What was that whole moon pool thing about? And why did I wake up as soon as I was about to find out?

An hour later...

"Lani?...Lani wake up"


"I need to talk to you about something"

Now's my chance..

"Yeah..what is it?"

"I'd like to take you somewhere more enjoyable, think of it as a vacation"

"Somewhere like?"

"It's this island called Omaca, it's beautiful and has the most beautiful ocean. It also has this little moon pool inside this volcano on the island. Don't worry the volcano is dormant so it won't erupt."

"So you want us to move there?"

"Not right now, just vacation there for a while but after being there you want to move there then yeah we can"

"Oh ok"

"Ok well let me know if you actually want to go before sun down so that if we're going, we can make it by morning"


I wonder what the island looks like. Should we move? I doesn't seem that bad an idea.

I wonder what Kylie and Nina are doing....if they're looking for me. If they are they're wasting there time, I don't want them finding me. I just want to stay with Jacob, for some reason it feels right with him. I don't know why but I feel this attraction towards him, something I can't really explain.

A couple hours later....

"Hey Lani"


"Well, Sun's going down...have you decided?"

"Yeah I have.......let's go"

"Ok, we'll have to take our stuff since we'll be staying there for a little while"

"Ok it won't really be a problem since things are already sort of packed".

"Yeah..well let's get going"

I grab our stuff and wait for Jacob to transform.
I get on his back and off we go....into the sunset...


Next 2 parts are gonna be really special
Don't worry I'm working on the next part right now now that this parts finished and since it's a short part I'm gonna publish it right after this, also because I haven't updated in a while.

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