Ch-1 "Mr Annoying isn't that bad probably"

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It's almost 12 Am and I am laying on my bed stressing myself about the first day of 9th grade imagining every worst thing that can happen tomorrow, like what if I went to the wrong class? What if a teacher decides to take a quiz out of the blue? What if a teacher asks me to introduce myself and I say that my age is chess and I like fourteen?

Then suddenly a message pops up bringing me out of my dramatic world where only over-thinking is allowed, i quickly open the text seeing that it was shivina

"Excited for tom? :)))))"

"Nervous af"
I reply

"Seriously? You've been studying in this school from the past 11 years and you're nervous for the first day"

"But first days are always different, there are some new people too and our school is already kind enough to change half of the teachers every year"

"At this point you're just speaking crap,it's not necessary that the teachers will change this year as well"

"Not all the teachers but i know most of them will be and don't blame me not everyone is a social butterfly like you"

"Well I dunno about you but i'm excited :))))"

"Excited about what? Meeting stupid people and attending boring lectures"

"You're no fun"

"Find a new best friend then :)"

"Bold of you to assume i'll leave you this easily"

I smile a little as I read that, she's the only reason i am able to survive in school

"Have any idea where the class will be?"

"Nope, classes have shuffled this time, We have to find it tomorrow"

"Alrighty then wait for me at the gate, don't go without me"


"Alright then see you tomorrow"

I keep my phone down and then try to sleep, it's been ten minutes already but i'm still thinking about tomorrow. again, you can't blame me as i'm not one those people who have a button on the back of their head and sleep as soon as it presses their pillow, it takes me atleast 10 chains of random thought and 5 looks at the clock to finally fall asleep.

The Next Day

I was at the gate waiting for shivina who was nowhere to be seen, She lives closer to the school so i was expecting her to reach first but here I was standing at the gate for 10 minutes but there is still no sign of her. I look at my watch and there's only 10 minutes left for the bell to ring.

Fuck this bitch i'm going on my own

I thought as i move forward and before i entering i fortunately see a friend and i tap on her shoulder.

"Hey mishkha! Have any idea where the class is?"

"Hi! It's probably room 17"
She says while smiling at me


We start going towards our class while chit-chatting a little, when we enter our classroom I take a seat in the middle bench of the middle row, mishkha asks me if she can sit beside me and I politely deny as I am still waiting for shivina.

The time is passing and my heartbeat is raising with every person who is entering the classroom, where the hell is she?

I finally loose all my hopes when I see the teacher entering, she is definitely absent today I am just hoping there is nothing wrong with her as she never gets absent without informing me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2023 ⏰

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