Chapter 1- What you've already seen

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Buck was exhausted, that much was evident. Ever since the lawsuit, and a while before that, members of the 118 had treated him like trash. At this point he was seriously regretting taking the honorable discharge from the Navy. Buck had served for 15 years, only stopping when he got stuck under a humvee. It was honestly way to familiar for Buck, being stuck under something that weighed a few tons. So that's why he barley panicked when he got stuck under the ladder truck. He would have been lucky if someone was there to help him, but his entire unit in the SEALs had been blown up, and he was unpleasantly surprised that none of the 118 came to check on him. If he wasn't so tired and bored at the time he would have thought that something was seriously wrong. But he never thought of that, in the long run, he realized he probably should have. But he was probably being way to paranoid. He didn't really know what to do with his time off, when the tsunami hit, he thanked whatever gods existed that he had called of his meeting with Chris. Once he found out that it was Bobby, not Bobby, but Capitain Nash. That had held him back from the job that he had loved way to much, even after he broke multiple records in his recertification, and finished Paramedic 1(but nobody needed to know about that,) he was understandably pissed, so he filed a lawsuit. But when his lawyer came out with obviously public knowledge about each teammate, the 118 had started harassing Buck even more than they already were. But soon enough he got what he wanted, his job back.

Buck walked into the house of 118 smiling, he was exited to get back to work after all this time. But his excitement dissipated when he saw that the entirety of the 118 were glaring at him. Bobby was the first to walk forward, he said something that had Buck frozen to the ground, Buck was staring at the other as he took all of his words in... "You're a traitor, y'know, in addition, you're no longer part of this family. From now on you're on chore duty. And I don't gave a shit about your recertifications." Buck measly stared at the captain, before slowly looking around the room. His eyes passed every single person, none of which looked like they disagreed. His eyes landed on Eddie, the man had previously barred Buck from seeing Chris, after he canceled on the day of the tsunami. But little did Eddie know that it would have been way worse if he hadn't canceled. Buck also felt a bit of rage, after all it had been him who drug the soldier out of a downed helicopter all those years ago. He tore his eyes away from the man. Before his eyes settled back onto Nash, he flipped a switch. A switch that he hadn't had to flip since his days with the SEALs.

"Yes sir."

Was his only reply. Bobby shot him a fierce look, almost as if the captain was expecting more of a reaction. Maybe begging for forgiveness, crying, etc. But nothing had prepared the captain for Buck's lack of emotion. Buck realized that he had probably flipped the switch a bit to late; but he could care less. He watches as the captains glare intensifies, before Bobby handed him a list, a list of his chores. And everything was on there, restocking and all. He took a deep breath, and he walked to the locker room. He quickly changed and put his trusty dagger in his boot, like he had done his whole firefighting career. He took a moment to examine the knife, it was a beautiful dagger, the handle being vastly decorated. The handle was carved with his rank in the military, Commander, and next to that wad the SEAL trident, in all of it's glory. The rest of the handle had plants, vines, and greenery carved into it. He smiled, the memories of the good times returning to him. Although he wished he could lock up those memories in a box somewhere, and stomp on it for good measure, he couldn't see himself doing that anytime soon, not after what happend. And it never helped that he partly blamed himself for it. Shaking the thoughts out of his head, Buck slipped the knife into his boots custom made pocket, he was the only one who knew about it.

After a few months, it was obvious that things weren't going to get better anytime soon. On a warm August day, Buck drove to the station. He parked his Jeep and took the key from the ignition. He stepped from the comfort of his vehicle and stretched. He mentally prepared himself for the day ahead. But as he walked into the house, he immediately noticed that something was terribly wrong. The 118 was quiet, way to quiet. That's when Chief Alonzo walked into the building. "Where is everyone?" Buck asked the Chief, mentality noting that the trucks were, in fact, still there, ruling out a call before he got to the station. Alonzo sighed, "It's a long story" The chief seemed less than surprised at the sight of Buckley. At this point possibilities were speeding through his head so fast that it was a suprise that he hadn't passed out yet. He shook out his thoughts, "Well..." he said gesturing at the empty house, "I've got a load of time. The chief chuckled, before regaining his seriousness, and explaining. "I was approached this morning by the entirety of the 118, except you of course" Alonzo said, quickly correcting himself. Buck had to chuckle at that, he hadn't felt like he was apart of the 118 recently anyways, maybe this was a sign. The Chief continued explaining, "As I was saying, they approached me this morning asking for time off, a few years off... I asked them if they were sure. They said yes. Unbeknownst to them, they all quit, right there and then." He finished. Buck processed for a few minutes, he looked at Alonzo. "They did what?"He knew his eyes had a look on them, a look almost nobody had seen before. He was pissed off, an entire station just up and quit. The Chief sighed before once again looking at Buck, "Which is why... I want you to rebuild the 118."

Buck froze,, "rebuild the 118?! Only one person has been successful in rebuilding a fire house, Owen Strand of the 126 and 252. And you expect me to do this? I don't even know how!" He tried to argue. The other sighed as Buck continued, "Hell, I'm not even leader material, I couldn't lead a team if I tried." That's what caused the Chief to look Buck in the eyes. "You are more than capable, it doesn't matter what Nash said, because you are, no doubt about it. Also, you've done this before, rebuilding your unit in the Navy after you became sole survivor. You can do this." Buck eyes wander around the building, he took everything in. If it were any other person he would have been happy to support them, but he wasn't so sure about himself. He took a deep breath before answering, "I- I'll do it." Alonzo smiled, "We also have the money if you want to renovate, Captain Buckley...." Buck froze at the use of his new title, before relaxing and smiling. This is exactly what he needed, a fresh start. "Well then, let's get started!"

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