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I got all the ingredients I needed.

1)120+ year old ginseng (any other vegetable that is 120+ y/o)
2)human arm without the fingers (needed)
3) human hair (specific gender female)
4)boiled blood(needed)
5)Victim (needed)
6)witches blood (my blood)
7) expensive item (king's ring)
8)bull balls (specific gender male )

I looked in my spell book and threw the ingredients in the pot that was boiling on it's own the fluid red like the colour of blood.

"Hey hey let's talk this out were friends don't do this"I ignored LMs pleas and threw the mirror in the pot and watched it sank it bubbled and sparks flew around the room but it only lasted a couple minutes as it didn't take long for a hand to appear out of the red mixture then a head and then a torso then legs I just made LM into the very thing he hates more than life itself A human "mistress it was a joke this is unnecessary change me back my eyes my mouth even my inner body was better than this I look hideous"he said touching his body.

"Get out of my pot NOW!"I said and he scurried out I slapped him but regretted it because of the gooey and  slimy red stuff that covered his body.

"Haha even as a hideous human you can't harm m-holy damsel in distress"I hit him with a whip that i conventionally happened to have with me "now you were saying please repeat I didn't hear you "I said urging him to repeat but even an idiot like it can tell not to.

"This is inconvenient how will I be your mirror if am human no more sneak peaks at your mother I can't even break in she'll kill m-maaaaa stop doing that mistress"I laughed then stopped "it slipped"I said putting away the whip.

"And if you are worried about that well what If I told you you cannot be seen or touched by anyone except me you can walk through walls too your like a ghost not even mother and mirror can see you now smile and wash off also put on clothes your naked I don't need to see that"I said averting my eyes but due to my small stature 'it' was staring right at me.

"But am wearing a humans birthday suit is it not suitable for your eyes mistress?"he put his hand up above his head and stretched out and I gagged.

I took a scissor out of my drawer and chopped 'it' off with him screaming in pain.

"Are you crazy wait don't answer that"he fell to the ground holding the other half of it but it will regenerate in a few minutes why would I make a defective product.

"Its growing back ha"he said wiping his tears and standing back up wobbling it's grown back but the pain is still there.

"Now put this on or next time I'll take it off and so much more"I said with a sadistic grin handing him clothes he shivered "crazy" he mumbled and I held up the scissors.

"Ha ha I don't think that's necessary"he said walking through the wall to go to the bathroom.

I got some bottles and put the mixture in but as I put it away an assassin in all black crashed through my window.

"Now little girl come with me and I won't hurt yo-ah"before he finished his sentence a dagger got thrown at his head and the source was none other than.

"Dmitri"I called seeing my new frie-acquaintance come up through my window.

"Ooh your boyfrien-ah the balls my goodness"I elbowed LM in the area as he almost finished talking.

"Are you alright I was in the garden and saw this guy coming through a window I didn't know it was yours"Dmitri says as he takes his dagger out of the dead assassin then cleaned it with his handkerchief"am sorry for you seeing this unsightly sight I'll have the guards clean it up right away"he said going out the door but I stopped him "don't go out there you won't find any guards I could die for all they care I'll use this"I went under my bed and took out a blue potion from my stack "what are you doing vina-whats that"he asked as I brought the blue potion out.

"Witches are rare are they not"I asked trying to pull the cover but it was fruitless so I gave it to LM who pulled it while it might have just looked like the bottle was floating to others.

"Yes they are so rare they are thought to be extinct and they're not really looked upon favourably they've cause quite a stir before they left"he said and I said "well they aren't extinct cause am a witch and no am not willing to tell you this because I trust you its because you couldn't tell anyone that am witch either ways"I said using the potion and dropping two drops of it on the dead body that disappeared in an instant.

"W-what was that..the assassin it disappeared"he said stomping on the floor where the assassin was then looked up at me"where did he go"i laughed more like a chuckle actually "I could show you but it would be quite unpleasant and you should go it's not appropriate that your in my room"I said pushing him out the door but he turned around "since am here right now can I ask you to save the first dance for me"I raised my eyebrows confused.

"Funny now go to your room your highness"I said pushing him out thinking he was joking but he turned around once again "no i mean it" he said and I stopped and thought about it "fine you can have my first dance"it's not like anybody wants to dance with me either ways.

"Okay see you tomorrow"he left and I closed he door and said "no you won't" you'll be seeing my body double am going to look for snow white.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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