uǝǝʇxᴉS ɹǝʇdɐɥϽ

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, well, boyfriend lie. All the time." Max stated like it was something obvious. But for Eleven, it was anything but.

"Even Y/N lie?" she asked as Max shook her head. "With him, it's different."

"How? Lie is lie, right?"

"Yeah, but, okay. Y/N lies to get me something I really like." Max started to explain. "Like last week, he told me his dad needed him. So he quickly walked out of my room. But when I looked out of my window, he didn't go to his house. Instead, he grabbed his bike and drove off."

"So, Y/N lied?" El asked as Max hummed. "Yeah. But once he returned, he told me to follow him. So I did. And he took me to the most quiet place I've ever been. And even better, a picknick was waiting for us."

"So, good lie?" El asked, still confused as all hell.

"Yeah. But Mike, he isn't getting you anything. He's doing this for himself."

"So... what do I do?" Eleven asked as Max sat beside her on the bed. "You're going to stop calling him. You're going to ignore his calls. As far as you're concerned, he doesn't exist."

"Doesn't exist?"

"He treated you like garbage. You're gonna treat him like garbage. Give him a taste of his own medicine."

"Give him the medicine."

"Mm-hmm." Max hummed as she nodded her head. "And if he doesn't fix this, if he doesn't explain himself, dump his ass."

"Like, break up?" El asked as Max nodded. "See? You're getting it."

"Now, how about we go somewhere. Girl among girl." Max suggests as Eleven looked at her with intrigue.


Y/N arrived at a fairly big building. He knocked on the door a few times as he was suddenly teleported inside.

"Hey, Arthur--" Y/N began before a growl behind him could be heard. A wolf like creature pounced on the boy as his eyes started rapidly blinking, before Y/N kicked the creature back into the wall.

The wolf creature let out a angry growl as it tried attacking Y/N again, before the young teen ducked out of the way and grabbing a knife which lied on the floor.

"Come on, you fucker." Y/N spoke as the wolf jumped at him again, but before the wolf could do any damage, Y/N stabbed it straight into its heart.

The creature let out a yelp as it quickly fell onto Y/N, dead. Y/N pushed the body away as he stood up while blinking rapidly again.

"That was impressive." a voice spoke up as Y/N quickly turned around, but relaxed once he saw who it was.

"What was that?" Y/N asked as Arthur shrugged. "Some kind of creature from the Upside Down. I can see Marc handled that well."

"Yeah, well, we've been training." Y/N shrugged as he pointed at his head. "He says 'F you', by the way."

"I expected something like that." Arthur chucked as he put an arm around Y/N. "Did you tell anyone else about this?"

"No, just Max." Y/N confirmed. "She almost told El, though. But she doesn't know."

Arthur nodded. "And El as in your friend Eleven?" he asked.

"Yes." Y/N nodded.

"She's still okay, right? Like, no purple eyes or anything?"

"No, nothing." Y/N shook his head. "Why do you keep asking me about her?"

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