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TW: violence


In the morning, it's obvious we all hardly got any sleep. Funnily enough, my ankle is starting to feel slightly better, so maybe it's not actually broken. I hope.

Pope leaves to go get gas for the boat, and JJ and Kie go to find the keys for The Phantom. I hide in a cupboard in the back of the restaurant, just in case anyone comes by.

I didn't realize I fell asleep back there until someone is opening the cupboard.

"Snowy? Are you asleep?" It's Kie.

"No, I'm up." I lie, crawling out and standing against the counter.

"We got the keys, it's like two so we have to hurry to get the boat and meet John B. Pope will meet us at the boat." She explains and I nod, limping after her. We grab a bunch of food, enough for the three of us to survive for two weeks, and head out to the car. As we walk out the door, we see Kie's parents getting out of their truck.

"Kiara, oh my god Kiara, where have you been?" Her mom says, quickly approaching us.

"Oh shit..." JJ says, helping me into the car on the other side.

"Mom, mom I'm fine, okay? We slept here." Kie tells her mom, still getting into the car.

"We were out all night looking for you- we thought you were dead!"

Kie sighs. "I know, but I'm okay. We're fine, but I have to go." She explains as her mom talks over her, begging her not to go.

"Mom, I'm sorry, I have to help my friends, I love you, I'm sorry." Kie says, almost in tears as she closes the door and starts the car, her mom banging on the window for her to open it as we drive off.

We all sit in silence for most of the drive.

When we arrive, Kie climbs in the back seat with me as the boys get out. "Here, I got some stuff to wrap up your foot. It should help.." Kie said, gesturing for me to lift my leg up onto the seat.

Eventually we get my shoe off and Kie wraps my foot tightly with a tensor bandage. By the time it's wrapped up, JJ has hitched the boat to the car.

"I just hope it runs." Kie says, hopping out and walking over to JJ.

"Oh, she'll start. This is the fastest thing that Kildare has ever seen, faster than any of the cutters that the boys in blue have got. The first boat to make the run to Bermuda in under sixteen hours." JJ says proudly, placing his hands on his hips as I sit with my legs hanging out of the car watching.

"If you say so." I agree, smiling over at him.

"It's kind of a junker." Kie says, arms crossed.

"Let me put it this way- you ladies would not be smoking weed if she never existed." JJ says, smiling over at me.

Just then, we hear a motorcycle engine and a door open on the other side of the boat.

"Pope, finally." Kie says, getting up to walk over to where he was with a smile on her face, when Rafe walks around the corner.

"Oh no- oh shit." I say to myself, scrambling to get out of the car as Rafe walks out instead of our friend.

"Hey there, what's goin' on?" Rafe says, a fake smile on his face. "JJ, nice to see you again." He says as Kie turns back, walking towards us again.

We turn back when we hear a whistle from behind us now, and I instantly recognize Barry- the man who held a gun to my head not too long ago. Surprise surprise, he's got one now.

the sea around us - rafe cameron, jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now