A new home

937 18 16

Sigma is the owner of the sky casino and Nikolai is his apprentice.


Sigma yelled from his office, not even a moment later Nikolai pretty much flew three the door, he ended up on the floor with papers scattering all over the place and his classes fell off.

(also in this AU Nikolai wears glasses, a white button up with frilly sleeves, black dress pants and his hair down.

"I..I'm here sir.."

Nikolai said panting as he collected all the fallen papers. Sigma sighed as he turned his head away slightly, he hated it when Nikolai called him sir, why?  Because it was attractive as hell.

"Nikolai.. for gods sakes collect yourself before entering my office."

Nikolai gently nodded said he finished picking up the papers

"So.. what exactly did you call me in here for?"

"Please take a seat, Nikolai."

Nikolai tilted his head a bit and sat down on the chair opposite from Sigma

Sigma suddenly grabbed Nikolais hands gently and caressed them while staring into nikolais eyes

"I've been wanting to ask this forever.. it's not or never.."

Nikolais face went a bit red



Sigma smiled "What hand moisturizer do you use?"

Nikolai just stared at Sigma

Sigmas smile faded as he dropped nikolais hand

"I'm kidding."

Nikolai instantly stopped blushing

"What I actually called you in here for.. I want you to move in with me."

Once again Nikolai instantly began to blush.

"Move in-? With— you-?"

Sigma nodded

"Yes Nikolai.. Wouldn't you prefer living with me rather than living on the streets?"


Nikolai huffed

"Well your right about that.."

Sigma grinned at that response.

"Well then.. at 7pm today a limo will pick you up from that street you stay on. Be ready."

Nikolai nodded and took his leave.

~His Apprentice~ {Siglai}Where stories live. Discover now