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Months and years pass....

Both anuj and mukku grow together.... Happily.... Lovingly..... Caringly....

In the game anuj always get lost knowingly to make his sister win.
Mukku knows that he had make cheating to allow her to win but still get happy to make her brother happy.

Mukku always eat food by the hands of anuj and she never eat food when he was not there. She learn everything from her brother.

Gayatri and jignesh put the mukku in the same school as they know that they are not separate

Anuj always carry the bag of mukku as she loves to annoy her brother and he always find it good to help mukku.
In school break mukku comes to anuj and anuj feed her lunch . Anuj used to help mukku in her homework and she loved it. But sometimes she run from doing homework and both cutely fights with each other. She told each and every thing to anuj whether it's about school or friend.

Anuj used to be a protective brother when someone tease mukku. Many a times he beat the boys and he also fight with teacher for giving her punishment. Anuj care her like his own daughter and so gayatri and jignesh are very happy that after them they have anuj who take care of mukku.


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