Chapter 23

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Bullseye winced from a flare of pain as he spread his wings, ready to start flying. He recoiled for a moment before glancing over at Peregrine. The gryphon had his eyes half-closed and he looked quite happy.

"You alright?" He asked, but his mouth didn't move. Bullseye took a moment to realize that it was a mental que.

"I've been better." The pain wasn't unbearable, but it was...well, it was definitely something. "I'm ready to go. Where are your friends?"

"Pretty much across the forest, if you're up for some flying." Peregrine turned to Bullseye.

"As long as you make sure I don't fall out of the sky." He was sure that his concern shone past his joking tone, but he closed off the link in the hopes that Peregrine wouldn't pick up on it. The gryphon spread his wings and took off with a mighty leap. Bullseye spread his own wings and the fire danced across them, pain flaring at each small movement. He closed his eyes and ran towards the ledge before taking off.

It was a good try.

It was also barely a success.

Bullseye flapped wildly as he began tumbling down and Peregrine let out a whistle of concern, dashing down after him. Eventually Bullseye's flapping turned to flailing until eventually, some instinct kicked in and his wings snapped out to his sides. A wind current lifted him up into the air and he glided, letting out a chirp of surprise and excitement. Despite the pain, flying felt good. Especially with the wind rushing over him, somewhat cooling the constant heat. Peregrine flew up to meet him, the gryphon letting out a screech of reassurance. Bullseye caught his breath, trying to recover from the quiet shock, but once he did, he, too, let out a mighty screech, one far louder than he'd intended...

"Oops," He said quietly to Peregrine, sending over a feeling of embarrassment. Peregrine sent a mental laugh. "Let it out, buddy. You're free."

Bullseye closed his eyes and let out another shriek, dipping and bobbing in the air. He did an aerial flip before diving down towards the forest. He then banked at the last moment, swooping upwards. Once he got the hang of it, flying was easy, and it wasn't long before it was effortless, almost like a second nature.

"You're doing great, Bullseye." Peregrine said, sending pride over the link. Bullseye smiled at the encouragement and sent his own pride back. He almost forgot about all of the pain.

Well, until his entire body lit on fire. He let out a mighty screech of pain and began gliding downwards. Another wind current lifted him up, but he needed water.

Peregrine led him down towards a river, which Bullseye dunked himself in. He let out a quiet sigh of relief.

"Let's stay near the river for now." Peregrine said, his voice carrying a laugh.

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