You said calmly as the faintest smile dawned your lips, you had an amused look on your face as you saw Tang panic a bit

"R-right! That reminds me, I have another question.. do you have a sister..? Because I swear I remember that spider demon mention something about your sister??"
Tang asked as he turned towards you as he tilted his head to the side

"Heavens no, I don't have a sister."
You merely chuckled at the slight misinformation that he had acquired

"Soo.. do you have any siblings?"
Tang asked as he went back to cleaning up and arranging his papers

"I have an older brother."
You kept your answer short an vague.
Of-course you wouldn't need to give him a full blown explanation on your family lineage or give him a description of your brother, you did prefer to stay slightly mysterious of some sort.

Before Tang could continue, there was the sudden sound of rumbling outside the restaurant, it was faint but it was definitely there

"What was that?"
Tang said with furrowed eyebrows as he frantically looked around the restaurant as if checking to see if he could find any indication on what may have caused the odd rumbling

Mei suddenly popped her head inside the restaurant and had a look of concern on her face 

"UH- GUYS! sorry to bother your little history class going on, but we have a situation outside!!"

You raised a brow at the girl.

'a situation? This early in the morning.. and Mk isn't even here yet'

You thought to yourself as you followed Tang outside the restaurant, slowly trailing behind him as you were still inveloped in your thoughts of what could possibly be bothering such a lovely morning

As you walked outside, you immediately noticed the huge shadow that loomed over most of the city, as huge pieces of debris from buildings were floating around a huge figure that seemed to look like the embodiment of shadows

'wait a minute... Shadows..? Sounds a bit familiar... Hmm... '
Your thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the sound of Pigsy rushing in to attack it

Before Tang or Sandy could hold the Pig back, the shadow used it's scarf to fling Pigsy into the ground, making everyone wince in pain for the poor—possibly injured restaurant owner

Mei slowly brought her phone up to call Mk, as you stood there looking at the figure with a curious and confused look on your face as you furrowed your eyebrows

Not even a few moments later Mk rushes into the group and asks for a recapitulation of some sort, in which Mei gave

Stupidly enough Mk also rushed towards the shadowy being and got flung to the ground, you merely sighed at this groups antics.

"Is that... Monkie King..?"

Everyone's attention was suddenly draw onto the mysterious monkie-like figure that jumped from building to building and seemingly finished off the beast with one quick swoosh

Your brows furrowed in confusion, what was he doing here? And more importantly, why was he here??

As the purple mist lifted away from the city, a huge gust of wind was sent away— getting a bit of dust get in your eyes. As you tried to blink the dust out, you noticed Mk who seemed to still think that this was Monkie King, climbing the building and approach Macaque

You stayed with the others as you knew it was none of your business to go snooping or listening around in on Macaque and Mk's conversation.

A while later, you had carried Pigsy back into the shop with Mei, Tang and Sandy who all started discussing about Monkie King's abilities as you continued to ponder within your thoughts

11:20 am  (Lego Monkie Kid X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now