I woke up and noticed it was dark outside, Shiro and Khan were in the bed with me. I looked over seeing my auntie standing over looking at my math board, she was shaking her head and then reached down into a bowl of popcorn I didn't even notice.


She turned around looking at me "Enya I love you but I'm so glad my kids ain't geniuses"

"Ain't isn't a word" I rolled my eyes.

"See that's what I'm talking bout" She came over sitting next to Shiro, he yawn rolling over and she laughed knowing he wanted to be pet. She started rubbing his stomach and then looked at me "You feeling better?"

"Yeah" I admitted "Where's Alonzo?"

"Out there with Lail, you've been out for a few hours. Alonzo said you just kind of went limp in his arms"

"I really don't want to talk about it. I'm still processing it"

She nodded her head "Listen, Enya, I ain't your momma" I looked at her annoyed because she kept using the word ain't "Or yo mean ass lovable daddy" I laughed when she said that "I'm proud of you though for admitting it, it'll help you. Then it'll help you bag that sexy tall Japanese nigga I saw walking out of your room today"

I threw my pillow at her and she laughed throwing it back "That's never going to happen"

"Something happened Matteo was looking like he was ready to kill everyone in the house" she grabbed Shiro's cheeks like he wasn't a tiger but a puppy "So cute" she hugged him and he licked her "Unt un what I tell you about that?"

Shiro put his head down pouting and I pulled him over to me "Quit being mean to him, auntie"

"What y'all do in here? I know y'all did something, did he walk in on you having sex again? Enya you gotta start locking that door" She shook her head.

"Auntie please" I covered my face "We don't talk about that"

I was so embarrassed the day that happened, me and Gabe were in the middle of having sex and my door opened and it was just downhill from there. He didn't even see me since I was facing the other way but he did see Gabriel's ass. Me and my dad avoided each other for weeks. I've caught my parents having sex on more than one occasion and I wasn't awkward about it. Weirded out but not awkward.

"You need to lock your door, or move out"

"Move out?" I shook my head not liking the thought of that "No" I said not liking the thought of being away from my family. It made me want to throw up.

My auntie sighed "You know one day you might find a guy that won't make you feel like that. If not I'm sure you're parents will love to have you around." She looked at me "It's so weird"

"What is?"

"How alike but different you and your momma is" She looked at me "I was reading a book-" I scoffed and she glared at me.


"Anyways" She gave me a side eye "When I first met your mom I knew her ass was weird right away, then pops told me she was a genius and took me to the library. He had me read a book called the genius mind and it explained how there are normally two types of geniuses. The dependent and the independent"

"Surely I'm the inde-"

"The dependent" She looked at me and I shook my head while she nodded her head "It's nothing wrong with it, sometimes lying to yourself is worse than being a psychopath." She said making a face like she understood then she smiled at me "Come on, the family wants you"

I stood up making the boys stand up, I was still upset at Khan for being such a traitorous son but I still loved him.

"I'm hungry"

"Yo daddy cooked earlier, and moms just cooked too, so whatever you want"

"What he cook?"

"Something I can't pronounce" she opened my door and we both walked out.

"How you still don't know Arabic?"

"Shut up"

We walked into the kitchen and my mom was sitting on my dad's lap, my grandparents were standing at the counter like they always did, uncle Saif was reading his newspaper as usual and my grandpa Babu was eating. I looked over seeing my brother and uncle Lail arguing about something, nothing serious. They never argued about anything serious.

"Good morning to you," my grandma said smiling at me

"Hi grandma" I went over hugging her.

She kissed my head "Go get something to eat. Preferably my food. It's better than your dads"

"Keep dreaming twerp" my dad scoffed.

I looked at the stove and nearly moaned seeing my dad had made Mahshi, it was easily one of my favorite foods. I didn't really eat a lot of meat, I loved vegetables and fruit. I loved the sides really, I felt like they were better than the meat sometimes.

I went over ready to make a plate when I smelt okra, I lifted up the top of one of the pots and saw fried okra, I threw my head back and groaned. I loved okra.

"It's some pulled pork over there too," my grandma said "I made it"

I looked at the stove realizing my grandma and dad made my favorite foods "I love you guys" I turned around smiling at them then started making my plates.

"So you're leaving tomorrow to go to Korea?" My uncle Lail said coming up to me.

"Mhm," he took some of my okra "Hey!"

"So sheltered" he flicked my forehead and smiled at me.

"Spoiled" I kicked at his legs.

"I feel sorry for Eziō" my uncle Saif chuckled.

"Not going to happen" I glared at him "Mr.Messy"

"Wow, she has manners" he chuckled and I smiled rolling my eyes.

"You two seem to be getting close," my grandpa said.

"He's annoying" I shook my head "We're gonna fake this relationship then deal with Thomas. We'll have enough allies by then"

"Your dad said he caught you two kissing," My grandpa Babu said

"Dad!" I looked at him

"Baba!" My grandma said looking at him "I told you not to say anything!"

"I thought everyone knew?" He shrugged

"We do," My uncle Saif said nonchalantly

"You guys kissed again?" My mom said sounding shocked.

"Again?" My dad nearly yelled.

"If they keep this up I assure you it won't be an arranged marriage," My uncle Saif said chuckling.

Not His Enya (Geniuses and Genetics Book 2) (BWAM)Where stories live. Discover now