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You and Rachel were shocked the bird was dead and then a laugh can be heard
You both look up to see a tall killer with bandages a brown hoodie,red pants and a scythe
Y/N- A Killer?!!!

You and Rachel stood there in shock,and you? You were about to get up and run with rachel when the killers Scythe hit the side of yours and you laid shocked....He looked at Rachel First and told her
"What an amazing look , i wanna see u cry,scream and beg for what's gonna happen to ya"

Then he looked at you
(Ngl ofc he is hot)
He gave you an evil grin and said
" Well,well,well looks like i get to kill two dolls here~"
Tears were starting to form in your eyes until he said something again

                  " Is he gonna let us live?"

"Alright,ill give you three heads up...ill give you three seconds to run alright? After this ill slash you both"
He said with a very evil grin

You got up quickly and took Rachel after he said "3"
You were panicking on thinking where you should go, but Rachel kept a shocked expression
Y/N-"Sh!t he's coming"

Your POV

You ran very fast when you heard running footsteps in your back, not long you went into an alleyway
"Shoot a dead end" you said panicking
You could hear the killers laugh echoing the small city
Just then when you were about to accept your fate  when Rachel got down and pulled you to a room
You were catching your breath until.....

The killer was about to break the door
You pulled Rachel and you both hid under a small chest with little oxygen
But you didnt care
Then you and Rachel heard the Door debris threw around the floor
???-"HAHAHA,where are you guys"
You were holding your breath and so is Rachel
But it isn't just your Safety your worried about its also the fact about that old newspaper you red has Your Childhood friends name with it
It also said that he was a killer

               Then..Realization hit you

Y/N pov- "C-Could it be,i-is he zack?"......"the voice, is the same and he also had bandages when we were young,but that was also the last time i saw him"

Then you held your breath again when you heard footsteps signaled Rachel to stay quite and she nodded
???-"Soo,you want to play Hide-and-seek?......HAHAHAHAHAHA sure"
There were three chests in the room all lined together you and rachel were at the third chest from the both sat on the edges avoiding the middle
Then you heard one of the chest got broken
"Hes going to check the chests" you said
???-"ehh,not here"
Then he puts the end of his scythe inside the second chest
???-"Tskk,nothing aswell"
Then the third could feel that your heart was about to explode..
Then the end of his scythe slid to the left close to Rachel
She was shocked that she almost got hit
???-"Nothing on that side.....WHAT ABOUT HERE!!"
He slid the blade of his Scythe on my side causing him to scar my cheek and got to slice strands of your hair...luckily it didnt bleed yet or he would've known that someone was there
???-"TSKK,not there either"
Then he left, you waited until footsteps couldnt be heard anymore and you both and Rachel got out
You were Breathing heavily despite having the broken part of the chest gave alot of oxygen from outside, but it still wasn't enough....After a while of resting and trying to forget what just happened
You and Rachel got the courage to go out again and find the exit.

You both were walking on the eary alleyways just to search for an exit or any room with keys a map or better another weapon

After searching and looking and watching out for the killer you guys took a rest after walking for a while
But you were alert,alert on whats going to come out here in the darkness
You thought it was safe until you heard a
Giggle coming from behind you

Rachel was shocked to see the killer behind you
And then you looked up and saw the killer looking at you with red and bloodlust in his eyes.....He was about to slice you when?

you shouted
He stopped,he froze from what you just called him this gave you and Rachel a chance to run

I was about to slice her with my scythe when she said something that made me froze

I stopped,i froze...Shocked to see that this girl knows my name
And her voice was familiar,something that I've been looking for for the past 8 years
That voice,but who is it?

                          "WHO IS SHE?"

                  Then Realization hit me

"*Gasped* " No it cant be "
Then reality struck me back... when i looked down they weren't there.... then i saw them running from afar..
Range came back to me and my bloodlust grew even more,more that i could die from it

"She might be-"
I Ran with full speed,laughing like a f*cking maniac,my laughter can be heared echoing the small floor
And i was pissed when that girl called me zack the only person who knows that is
The other floor masters and-
......... " Y-Y/N!!" i said in my mind "B-But i couldnt be, how did she end up here"

Y/N was my only pride and joy when we were young...she is the only person who understands me...probably because we have the same childhood
Evil parents, tragic childhood,being used as a tool " Tskk" But that didnt stop me and our friendship....
I was guilty about myself too,when my b*tch of a mother sold me, i didnt got to say my final goodbyes and promises...i f*cking promised her that we would run away together...
                      BUT I BROKE IT


Mom: you piece of sh*t, get up and pack your things
Zack-"w-what, where are we going"
Mom-"there is no *we* its just you, i sold you to an orphanage you brat , now, PACK UP YOUR THINGS,they will be here to pick you up in a minute"

i was shocked i wouldn't think my own mother would sold me..even though it wasn't my fault..

"I have to say goodbye to Y/N i cant leave without saying goodbye"
I said as a tear fell on my cheek
I finished packing but just as i was about to get out ......

They were already there, the people who were coming to pick me up
They just took me and my things and left

"I left Y/N without saying goodbye and that was my mistake, i didnt get to send her a letter or anything" and i knew it was my


Rachel and Y/N were running for there lives,when suddenly the laugh of the killer can be heard it was running at them with full speed..Both can tell based on how the footsteps were very fast and loud...Then Rachel Tripped "ahhh"
Y/N- "RACHEL!!,COME ON GET UP" i helped her
Then you Found an elevator
You pressed it very hard,but its still didnt open.
Rachel- "Quickly!!,Quickly!!"

Y/N looked back ready to fight the killer when the elevator opened
They both ran fast inside and Y/N pressed the button quickly..he was about to strike his Scythe when the elevator door closed leaving a dent in the door
Y/N and Rachel were catching there breath
And we're glad that they got out of that hellhole, but little did they know...


End of chapter 3