Chapter 1

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'Id never given much thought to how I would die

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'Id never given much thought to how I would die..' Jesus fucking Christ Twilight is so bad. I put the book down and started getting ready for school. I cant believe I chose Twilight for my report, out of all books, why Twilight? It was kind of cool today so a light long sleeve will work just fine and jeans. "dad I'm leaving" I grabbed my backpack that was by the door and walked out to Stacys car. I always sit in the back- not that I'm complaining, I actually like the back but its also clear Stacy and Emma were closer friends. We got to the school and we had new students. Yay. I was sitting in advisory trying my hardest to read and stay focused on the book when my name got called on the intercom "Y/n please come to the office" I left my stuff in the room and walked to the office. The lady in the office was standing there with 4 boys "y/n this is the Fallens" They're all weirdly pale like a sticky white. Well- maybe I shouldn't judge. "Hey I'm y/n I'm assuming ill be showing you guys around" "that, you will ms y/n" the lady interrupted. I went to shake their hands as they all introduced themselves. "Jack" he acted somewhat normal, I mean it is his first day. "Delano" he seemed very pippy, "Grey" They had a weird gulp when they shook my hand, almost uncomfortable, but I'll look past it maybe they doesn't do well around girls....seems cool though. "uh Anson" he didn't shake my hand, kind of just stared at it so I put it down. "alright well ummm ill show you your classes"

"Fridays we have assemblies, sometimes so we'll have a different schedules, just come to me those days and ill show you the schedule and how things will work. Other than that i will see you guys later" I could feel them starring at me. They're...strange..but I'm not one to judge. Back to my home room I go "y/n where have you been???? We have new students and holy shit they're so fine" "so fine" Stacy and Emma said running up to me "yeah, and odd" I replied "well you're odd" Stacy scoffed. She's one of those girls that once a new student comes, especially a boy, she's more than likely going to try to be friends with them... or try to get with them. It's fine though, I can't complain at least we're still friends...kind of. "are we staying here for lunch or are we going out?" Emma asked "we can stay, maybe try to get those new boys attentions" I looked at Stacy "Do you know their names?" I asked, knowing very well she didn't. All Stacy did was shrug and said "I just know their last names are Fallen...and I sure am fallen" I cringed "i have my eye on that one right there Emma pointed at Delano...? Yeah thats his name. "Dont point you'll make it obvious" Stacy huffed at Emma "Personally I want him" she said looking at who I think is Jack but it could be Grey.

Lunch came around finally, I hate school lunch but its pizza day. I walked behind Stacy and Emma. Im not sure why im really friends with them anymore. We got our lunch and sat at the table. I pulled out my book at continued reading. This is so cringe, I am trying super hard to understand whats going though Bella's head. Why is she so obsessive and weird and fixated on Edward. Hes JUST a vampire, get over it. I rolled my eyes while reading the chapter "That book is cliché" I didnt look away from my book and i heard a sigh "they have everything wrong about vampires in there" I scoffed at the person and put down my book and seen Anson Fallen, a little confused because i didn't realize Stacy and Emma left "and you would know?" I raised my brow "believe it or not but I do" I gave him a tight lip smile "Have you read them all" I asked. He looked down and messed with his hair "unfortunately" he sighed "Ive only watched the movies, but a book project is coming up and I picked it because I have to at least read it once. Im starting to regret it." He chuckled "sorry for being weird earlier, im not the best at meeting new people" I shrugged "its fine but what made you come up at lunch?" I asked "look, i dont want to be friends-" I interrupted him "nope we are NOT pulling an Edward, so I suggest you stop right there and tell me the real reason, not some shitty excuse of trying to be a mysterious new kid" I watched his face slightly cringe after saying that "okay, but im not." he slightly laughed "I don't want to be friends because I can actually hurt you, y/n you are very unaware of your surroundings and you should pay attention" he stood up from his chair "what does- what do- ugh nevermind" I said as he got up leaving.

"sorry about that" I heard a voice beside me say "its fine, I don't really need that energy right now" He nodded "Delano and..."I looked besides him "and Grey right?" Grey just nodded "Yup. Anyways.." Delano said pushing up his glasses "Anson and Jack do you say...assholes sometimes. Dont get me wrong I love them both they can just be a bit too much sometimes and i apologize. One moment they're cool the next they're heads on fire" he laughed trying not to make it awkward. I just gave him a tight lip smile and nodded my head "thanks for letting me know?" I picked my book back up and before I started reading Delano started talking again "We should be friends" I looked at him "uhh yeah sure"

After lunch I went to class with a very chatty new kid. I hated it- not him but the stares since I was already befriending the new kids. Grey tagged along he stood quiet though, none of my business on what's going on with him. "so i'll see you later y/n?" Delano asked and I just nodded "you should come by someti-" Delano got interrupted with shove "actually that's not a great idea" Jack said as Anson glared at Delano. "we have to go..sorry y/n" Delano apologized.

What the fuck was up with them. I rolled my eyes and walked to Stacy's car. She's already glaring at me. "And why were YOU talking to them?" she questioned and I just got in the car ignoring her. "Can you tell us about them at least?" Emma asked. "they're...nice..? I don't know. I literally JUST met them today" The car was silent all the way up to my house. The tension was definitely there.

"hey dad i'm" I looked and seen a random person in our house "hey y/n this is Dr. Fallen, he's one of the best doctors in the state and he lives right a few houses down from us." oh boy. "You guys are invited to dinner tonight" the doctor smiled down at me. He had the same pale sticky white complexion the boys have, his eyes aren't as dark though. "shouldn't we be having a dinner..?" I asked confused and he smiled at me "well consider this dinner a 'thanks for welcoming us' kind of dinner" great. I already know Jack and Anson aren't going to like this. Delano will but Grey I have no clue what's going through their mind.

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