An Unsteady Head

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Possible Causes:

Hands Too high, unsteady, rough or hard

Answer: Obvious

Unsuitable or Ill-fitting Bit

Answer: Try a thicker, milder bit, possibly a half-moon snaffle. Make sure it is the right size and fitted correctly.

Sore Tongue, Lips, Or bars of the mouth

Answer: Check these very carefully if the pony suddenly starts to throw his head about. Treat injuries, and rest until healed. The injuries can, of course, stem from ether of the two previous causes.


Answer: Sharp molars can sometimes cause trouble. If no other obvious causes can be found, they should be checked.

Nervous or excitable temperament

Important to school calmly. Too much racing about and jumping at fast paces can excite any pony, and once the tearaway habit is formed, it is extremely difficult to over come.

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