He continued, "I would not expect you to work on cases with me. That is to say, it is no way a requirement." He scratched his chin thoughtfully. "Though I can see how you may have misunderstood my intentions. I did frame a lot of the examples of your characteristics just now through the lens of how they influenced the Kira case."

Jubilee wanted the floor to open up and swallow her whole. Of course, she'd misunderstood. She was an idiot. How could someone like her be work partners with a genius like L, the greatest detective in the world? What was I thinking? She paused in the middle of her mini-meltdown. Wait. What DID he mean, then?

L had returned to pacing. The blush of his aura cast a rosy glow on the myriad of colors about him, which were churning furiously. It was an enchanting display, and Jubilee found herself suddenly distracted by it despite her overwhelming disappointment and confusion.

"I acknowledge that I have many setbacks," he began slowly. "It likely does not need to be said, but I am awkward at social interaction and uncomfortable with physical contact. I am unused to both these things, and it will likely take me some time to change that. In short, I do not excel at interpersonal relationships. I realize that this—along with plenty of other factors, I am sure—makes me less than ideal as a romantic partner. However, if you are willing to be patient with me...I am willing to learn to improve." The blush over L's aura deepened as he finished, blending into the swirls of mauve which intertwined with the gold and cerulean hovering about him. Jubilee stared, transfixed by the sight. He stared back, like he was waiting for a response. But a response to what? He hadn't asked a question, he'd just said—

Oh. Oh. Jubilee gaped, his words finally registering. The mauve. The rosy blush. It all meant...

She took a deep breath, willing herself to keep her cool. It would not do for a grown woman such as herself to start squealing like a fourteen-year-old. Especially in front of L, someone who was likely unused to hysterics, and who might be perturbed by them, and—

And who likes me! her mind shrieked happily.

Unable to help herself, she broke into a happy grin. Covering her face with one hand, she turned away to collect herself for a second. L was clearly uncomfortable enough with the newness of this entire situation, and she didn't want to make him feel even more so. In many ways, this was foreign territory to her as well. She, too, didn't know what it was like to become close with another person within the context of an actual, healthy relationship. The thought used to strike fear in her—that anyone might ever get close enough to see the real her, and find out all she'd done. The closest she'd ever come to experiencing such closeness had always been an empty copy of the real thing—rushed into and out of, men using her for their own satisfaction as much as she had been using them her own security. For once, she'd like to take things slow, and actually experience something real.

She faced L again. "I am more than willing," she said, managing to keep her voice even. "And I find what you're proposing to be very agreeable. Therefore, I accept." With that, she extended a hand for him to shake, smiling softly.

L seemed to relax a bit at her more formal tone, the tightness in his shoulders disappearing. He looked down at her hand, as though considering it. So, approaching things this way is more his speed, Jubilee thought. Just as well, since she was more comfortable with it herself. She made a mental note to keep physical contact to a minimum, at least upfront, for both their sakes. Sure, they'd shaken hands before, helped each other up, and even hugged that one time when L died—Jubilee paused, at the absurdity of that thought, to say a quick prayer that that wouldn't happen again for a good long while—but it had all been in a different context. They were only colleagues back then and had been in a life-or-death situation, so tension and emotions were high. This time, things were different, and it wouldn't hurt to approach things a little more rationally. After all, they had all the time in the world to deepen their relationship.

L finally looked back up at her. "I find that, even when it comes to social and relational aptitude...I do not like to go backwards in my progress." Then, he grasped her hand, and pulled her forward into a firm embrace.

Jubilee stumbled into him, startled, as his arms encircled her. For a second she simply stood there, her head against his shoulder, registering the clean smell of his shirt and the warmth coming from his chest. Radiant colors danced all about, weaving together into a single tapestry that wrapped itself around the them. Somewhere in the background, she could hear Hellenos—and a multitude of other angelic beings, more than could reasonably fit in the corner where he was—tittering and cheering. Underneath the happy chorus was a sound both gentle and sonorous, like that of a deep, delighted chuckle. It warmed Jubilee to the core, buoying her spirits and flooding her heart until it felt full to the brim—and suddenly she knew, in that moment, that what she was feeling was the pleasure of God.

Yeah...this is good, too, she thought. Thanks, Dad. Smiling into L's shoulder, she wrapped her arms around him and gave him a fierce hug back.


A/N: That's it, y'all! Thanks for reading through this story. I appreciate you. For those who like extra extra happy endings, there's an epilogue coming, too.

If you liked this story and want more, might I suggest my original fic that is inspired by this one? It's got an audio version in the works too. More details on my profile.

Happy reading, and for those who are fellow writers, write on!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2023 ⏰

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