Nineteenth chapitre ✨

476 13 4

POV- Paola

I wake up and see that my boy already left today he has early training then he is done for today so i go to take a shower then i get dressed and go downstairs to make breakfast

I maded some eggs with toast and some orange juice my favorite one while I eat I also watch some series on Netflix i watch ginny & Georgina i love this series so much so while i eat I also watch it

After i go to clean the kitchen and then I go to sit down a little bit in the garden today is really a hot day while I was sitting in the garden i receive a message from my brother

Bro : hey Paola how are you sissy just wanted to let you know that tonight we are going to our parents house i know you don't want too but please do it for me please sis

Paola : but ferran you know I hate them you know it

Bro : i know but at least try it for me Paola

Paola : okay i will but just because of you

I was literally in every emotion possible sad , mad , stressed, afraid i don't like my parents and that forever

I stay in the garden for the rest when I feel two arm around my shoulder and someone kissing my neck

Pedri : hey cariña how are you ?

Paola : hola cariño not good actually and you ?

Pedri : why what happened cariña tell me and I am fine don't worry

Paola : just that today ferran told me we will go to my parents house and I honestly don't want to go but I am going just for ferran

Pedri : oh amore come here but I am sure everything will be fine after all Ferran will be with you all night

Then we stayed in each other arm not saying anything just listening the birds then pedri took my arm and we got in the living room to continue watching series

We watched series in each other's arm until it was 4:00pm i go to get ready upstairs i put on a really simple outfit with just some blush and mascara and I let my hair wavy like natural

That's my outfit

Then I go downstairs and go to hug my boy on his back

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Then I go downstairs and go to hug my boy on his back

Pedri : oh who do i see there my future wife madam Gonzalez

Paola : and who is see there is my future husband mister Gonzalez

Pedri : you look so beautiful cariña i don't even have to say it cause you know it

« Looking at you and only you »Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora