"Ugh...Why is it when I get a good dream going, I wake up? I swear..."

Wearing only a tank top and panties, she quickly untangles herself from her bedsheets before sitting up on her bed, the alarm clock still blaring.


Inko quickly slams her fist on the clock to stop the noise, only to find that she accidentally bashed her clock beyond repair. That and her nightstand has now split in two.

'AGH! Dammit, that was 14,000 Yen I just wasted! Of all the rotten luck!'

With her morning already going to a rocky start, she begrudgingly heads towards the closet to get her clothes. Afterwards she shuffles out of her room into the bathroom to take a bath.

If it is not noticeable already, it should be noted that Inko Midoriya is, in fact, NOT a morning person. However, she does enjoy the relative quiet of the little time she has before her son wakes up. She really loves her son more than anything, but it's also nice to have some time for yourself once in a while.

Which is why she takes a bit longer than usual to clean herself up, making sure to take extra care of her body. In one spot in particular- that is her scar where the lower abdomen is- she makes sure to scrub carefully there.

That was when I gave birth you, my little Izuku...

With the birth of her son, she never thought there would be another moment where she would be filled with joy. While it wasn't something that she initially wanted, it felt good to be mother. It felt good to love someone and to care for them. She also realized that it felt even better to protect what was hers.

And I will make sure nothing happens to him...

With that final thought, she finished up her bath. There was still some time before she had to leave, so she made sure to make some breakfast for Izuku before she left for work.

"Iiiiizzuuuukuuuu~! Time for breakfast~!"

She hears a loud crashing noise from his room, announcing his presence.

"I'm up! I'm up! I'd Like those eggs scrambled like always!"

Inko let out a small giggle at her son's antics. He never fails to make her smile.

"Sure thing honey. Just make sure to take a bath first before you eat okay?"

" 'kay Mom!"

From morning till night, the Midoriyas are always without a dull moment.


When one is studying at a prestigious HERO school such as UA, one would normally expect to receive heroics training as soon as possible. While that sounds like a doozy and a half, it is also highly unrealistic. When you go to school, do you take gym before math or science? Of course not! Which is why it is very important to know that while you can learn to fight villains, you would also have to learn how to read between the lines of a 250-page lawsuit against a landlord for destruction of property.

What? You think that everything gets fixed up with some sort of quirk? Maybe, but then the one doing it will demand to get paid. That means that math is now involved. This is the type of example that the Japanese government comes up with in order to explain why students should waste half their day learning all the essential subjects.

Fortunately, with the power of fanfic bullshittery we can quickly skim past that and move towards lunchtime, where we find our lovable green idiot chowing down on another mountain of food courtesy of the hero Lunch-Rush, along with Mei, who is currently using her screwdriver as a utensil.

The Ssssmokin' Hero: Deku!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora