VI - Strange Side Of Humans

Start from the beginning

"The medication you took earlier is to help you sleep, correct?"

They nodded with a sigh.

"Yeah, except it doesn't fucking work."

They grumbled through gritted teeth.

"Its fine. I usually just watch TV or something then head to work early... helps me finish Hank's and my own work."

They laughed self depreciatingly.

We sat there for a minute in silence.

"But.. anyway, while we're both up, why don't you tell me about yourself Connor?"

"Ok. I'm a prototype model, model RK800-"

"I can read the jacket Connor, I'm not Gavin."

They laughed,

"I meant... what do you do in your free time?"

"Wait for you and Lieutenant Anderson."

Was my reply. It was the truth after all.

"... we really need to find you some hobbies... Oh! I know!"

They scrolled through their phone, before opening a music app and turning their playlist to shuffle.

Heart to Heart by Mac DeMarco

Was written on screen as the soft music started to play from the phones speakers.

"Oh I like this song!"

The Detective started to hum along to the song, before seeing the confusion in my eyes.

"You said you wanted to listen to music."

I remembered one of our first encounters at the station,

"Well we've got the time so might as well right?"

They handed me their phone which I took hesitantly.

"There, now you can skip through the songs and see which ones you like! Here I'll even make a playlist for you-"

They quickly added a new playlist labeled

Connor :D

"You can just add any songs you like!"

They said all cheerfully, as they got comfy on the couch, their thigh and arm pressed against my own.

As I listened to the music and read through their playlist, I felt their head hit my shoulder.

Looking over, I realised the Detective had fallen asleep.

I wasn't entirely sure what to do in this situation, but I turned the volume down on their phone just in case.

Moving even to turn the volume down, made them grumble in their sleep and snuggle further into my side and the couch.

I had heard humans prefer their pillows cold, perhaps that is why they used me as a pillow?

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