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This story includes depictions of death. If ur okay with reading abt death and all then please proceed ahead.

Sae:"U make me want to vomit."
Rin looked devastated as he looked at his brother and his cold eyes that were looking down on him. Why was he being treated like this? Why did his brother change so much...Who was this stranger?

Sae:"Ur unnecessary in my life anymore. Get lost rin."
That itself. Destroyed rin. Emotionally. Mentally. Physically. It crushed his soul completely. He was lost. Confused. Sad. Angry. Helpless. Hopeless. He could barely hold back the tears coming in his eyes. He really treasured his older brother and loved him so... Why did he do this to him? What exactly did he do so wrong?

He clenched his shirt to where his heart was. His chest hurt so much. He pursed his lips. He was trembling all over. Who can he rely on now that he's all alone... Even his own brother abandoned because he was useless...

Maybe they shouldn't have shared a dream in the first place. Maybe he should've never played football in the first place... Everything his brother said was right. All of it...

That day he wasn't able to sleep. He had nightmares all over. His mood was terrible. His eyes got worse. Dark circles were visible on his face... He didn't want to go to school but... Maybe he'd forget abt this pain for a bit if he sees something different right?

His anxiety was overwhelming him. His feelings. He couldn't explain how suffocating it felt.
As he kept walking he didn't take notice of those around him. He was just living in his mind hugging his knees sitting down. Feeling hopeless.
He was only living in his mind to the point that...he didn't take notice of...the truck coming at him...

All he heard afterwards was the sound of an ambulance and blurry people approaching him as his body hurt all over and blood was trickling down on his face...
Sae was in great shock when they called him and his mom saying that rin is in a very dangerous state between life and death. The chances of the surgery working was a 50 50 percentage.

Sae told them to do whatever it takes to save rin he'd pay everything he has. They proceeded with the surgery as sae and his mom were waiting outside the surgery room.

Maybe for the first time in his life sae was really scared. Waiting impatiently. Feeling terrible. Feeling anxious. Feeling worried. Just everything all together...

Sae couldn't process what he just heard. His eyes widened. Everything seemed to stop. Everything felt unimportant in this moment. Even football once he heard what was said to him.

Sae:"Repeat that?"
Manager:"Sae-chan I know it's hard for u... But as I said... Rin-kun... Passed away..."

It's like time stopped. The whole world took a halt. He didn't believe this. He refused to believe this. The veins on his skin began to show. He literally targeted his manager and held him by the collar.

Sae:"This is a joke right? Stop playing around with me. This isn't real. There's no way..."

His breathing was becoming highly unstable. His blood pressure was rising. He was trembling and shaking. He looked really angry, but also scared at the same time.

The manager didn't even try to push him away or anything. This must be hard for him. At such a young age and already losing his family...

Manager:"Sae-chan I'm really sorry for ur loss... I'm not playing around.. Your younger brother itoshi rin-kun has passed away. When he got into the accident his injuries were quite severe...they couldn't save him..."

𝑹𝑬𝑮𝑹𝑬𝑻𝑺- 𝑰𝒕𝒐𝒔𝒉𝒊 𝑺𝒂𝒆Where stories live. Discover now