"I get that, but your life is different now anyways. We have each other- we can get our own place, or something, and, and, and- just do our own thing. I know my dad, he will pay you to keep this secret if we ask and then you won't have to work." Rafe insists, grabbing my hand.

"Rafe," I look back at him, "I just can't." I shake my head again, getting that feeling in my throat that means I'm about to start crying.

"Snowy, we'll figure this out, alright? We will. You'll be okay." He's so confident already that he won't be charged with anything, even though I know he planned to kill the sheriff if I wasn't there.

"Would you have shot her? If I wasn't there, would you have done it?" I ask. Rafe doesn't say anything for a moment.

"I... I don't know." He answers quietly, shaking his head. "I had to do something, I couldn't let my dad get arrested. We would have ran, or something, I don't know..."

"Oh, god..." I say, tears spilling down my cheeks now. "I hate this."

"Please don't cry.. Hey, it's okay..." Rafe says, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and pulling me closer. "Just, please don't run. I'll fix everything, I promise."

He's just not getting it, this isn't something he can fix now. It's not like the cops will believe me over Ward or Rafe when I tell them that it wasn't John B, so I'll just end up getting in trouble for lying or aiding and abetting or something. We just need time.

I shake my head at him. "No, we are going to fix it." I say, wiping my tears away. "We've got a plan and we are going to fix this."

"Snowy- Snowy you're not listening to me, okay? You can't just leave me because of John B." Rafe says frustratedly.

"I have no choice now, I won't lie for your dad. I didn't tell you but he has tried to kill me twice now, in one week. I can't stay even if I wanted to. He will kill me, Rafe." I say seriously. "And I don't want you to have to clean up that mess, and then look my brother in the eyes and act like you don't know anything when he comes to you for support. I can't do that to you guys."

He doesn't say anything, he knows I'm right.

"I think you should probably go..." I whisper, looking anywhere but at him.

"I'm not going without you, let's get you to a doctor okay? If you insist on running you can't do it with a broken foot." I shake my head at this.

"I'll be fine- I'm not sure it's even broken. I can't go." I protest and he sighs.

"Fine- if you are going to be stubborn, good luck." Rafe says as he stands up. "I mean- why can't you see I'm trying to protect you here?" He asks frustratedly.

"I do, thank you, but you know I can't just leave my friends like this. They need me too." As I say this, he covers his face with his hands and shakes his head. I tell he's getting angry now.

"Fuck- oh my god, I am literally begging you to let me help you. I am begging you to be reasonable here!"

"One day you'll understand that I am." I respond.

"No, no. You listen! I am risking everything for you! I am risking our reputation, my dads life just by being here and by going to the police earlier to save you!" He raises his voice now, and then he punches the wall next to the window out of frustration.

Just then, I hear the door open and look over to see JJ walking out. "It's time for you to go." He says, stepping past me to stand between us.

"No, I'm not leaving without her." Rafe shakes his head.

"Yeah, uh, you are, actually." JJ says, nodding a little and flipping his hat so it's backwards.

Rafe begins pacing, talking to himself quietly. He stops right in front of my friend, getting up in his face.

"You are hurting her more than I am- and I hope you fucking know that." Rafe says, poking JJ's chest.

"Rafe, please, just go." I say quietly and he looks down at me, his gaze softening.

"You better listen to her." JJ agrees.

Rafe nods a little, looking disappointed and angry. "Yeah, whatever, Snowy. Good luck." He says, walking away and looking back only briefly as JJ helps me up.

We get back inside and I watch Rafe drive away. I'm not sure I'll ever see him again- and that's how things had to end? I think he's just used to getting his way.

"Are you okay?" I hear JJ asking me and I nod slightly.

"I just didn't want to say goodbye like that..." I mumble, sitting down again at the booth where I was sleeping before.

JJ sits on the ground in front of me. "I mean, I don't want to make you feel worse, but he's not the best guy."

"I know, but his heart is in the right place, you know? He cares about me, he just wants me to be safe. The problem is he doesn't care about you guys. That's where we are different, I guess." I sigh. "But if all of this never happened it would be different."

JJ smiles a little, patting my leg. "Hey, but on the bright side, you'll always have us."

"True." I agree, laughing slightly. "JJ, are you sure you're okay with our plan?" I ask, just to confirm.

He nods, not even hesitating. "I'm sure. We'll go to Yucatan- just the two of us. It'll be the vacation of a lifetime." He smiles and I laugh at that.

"I don't know if I would describe it as a vacation, but sure. Wherever you want- you might have to carry me though." I joke.

"Anywhere." JJ nods, "I give a mean piggy back." He smiles. I know we'll make the most of it, but I'm honestly heartbroken to leave my family behind. With everything going on I haven't talked to the twins as much as I may have liked, but one day I'll explain it to them. Once John B is cleared and everything returns to normal.


the sea around us - rafe cameron, jj maybankМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя