Welcome to Japan, Brasileira.

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A/N: Hey guys. I know I haven't been updating lately but I've had TONS of things to do like Exam Studying, Homework, etc. But I hope you guys will stick with me because I promise I'll make this as good as I can! I'm honored by the fact that many of you requested to see me update this, and I will hopefully establish a certain day in which I will update this, so stay tuned!

I can hear the wind of change blowing past the wings of the airplane. Oh, how will I ever be able to part from my beautiful Rio de Janeiro?

Ariana made herself comfortable in her luxurious seat that she had in her private room of the plane. Slowly crossing her legs, like she was always taught, she took out her carry-on bag and pulled out her notebook that she always kept. It functioned as a journal for her, if anything. Her delicate fingers rummaged through the front pocket of her bag, before finding and puling out a blue pen. Her words came out on paper just as they did in her mind:

Dear Jornal,
I am already on the airplane heading to Tokyo Airport in Japan, and I cannot help but be frightened. I know that a club is supposed to be picking me up, but I have no idea who they are; the details were quite vague. Who knows, I could get kidnapped if I am not careful enough. Although, I am quite excited. Maybe this is God telling me that I need to start living a new life, meet new people, start over. I have faith that He is right, so I will at least try to make myself comfortable. I most definitely need a new start.

Ariana M. Capoeira

As Ariana finished her entry, she kept the book open flat on her lap, not caring who sees. What would her staff want anything to do with her curiosity and thoughts on her new "home" anyway? It didn't pertain to them anyway. She took in a deep breath, holding it for a few seconds, and then slowly and silently exhaling afterwards. This was a technique that she would use whenever she experienced a foreign emotion or mood. She felt something churn in her stomach, even after the breathing exercise. Anxiety? Nervousness? Excitement? She decided on a blend of the three, but more so of the latter.

Looking outside of her window, she noticed that a view of a city - a relatively vague and undetailed one at that - , that must've been Tokyo.

Time really does fly, doesn't it?

Her sea blue eyes remained latched onto the view, as she saw people - who looked like tiny ants - walking around in clumps of commotion, like schools of fish. She couldn't help but wonder how people could walk around with that little space in between them. Back in Brazil, not many people were in the streets, many were on the beaches playing futebol and in small groups of friends and family. It seemed as though here, everyone was an individual that had their own destination, but each person was packed together, as if to forcibly bring that together.

But what sense does that make?


As the plane landed in its designated spot, Ariana was almost asleep from the jet lag she got during the entire eight hour flight. Her head mildly ached, but what really bothered her was the feeling of tiny little pins every where in her legs; they were asleep. When she was given the signal, she tried to stand up, but with annoying and obnoxious pain that spread with the pressure she had to put on her poor sleeping legs. She almost started whining mentally in self-pity, but then shook herself out of it.

She abhorred  the concept of self-pity.

Ariana decided to suck it up, and move on like she would do with almost any problem. She grabbed her bag and slung it over her shoulder, and she took her two suitcases that the flight attendants held onto for her. After offering a quick "thank you" in Portuguese - "Obrigado" - she was off the airplane and wandering the humongous airport that awaited her arrival.

Her steps were elongated, quick, and agile, as if she had been practicing the way she would walk into her new society. She tried not to gawk, but she was almost unable to resist doing so in awe at her surroundings. Almost everything was so different here: the people, the technology, the riches. Japan's economy was notably in better shape than Brazil's; one could tell just by looking at the structure of its capital.

Ariana felt eyes on her as she searched for the area where people were picked up. She was fully aware that she was internationally know, thanks to her father's popular company, but she never thought it was to the extent that almost everyone was able to recognize her off of the bat. Ariana almost wanted to shrink inside, but didn't hesitate to continue carrying out the confident, goddess-like aura she would always keep whenever in public.

Confidence was never short in the Capoeira Department.

Ariana continued to look for the group that was to bring her to her new home, and to her new academy, Ouran Academy, to be specific. She was told that she was to look for someone holding a sign that said "Ariana M. Capoeira", which would probably be the only option, no?

Her vigilant, almost icy cold eyes scanned the crowd of people holding sign for customers, friends or family, and found her sign. As her eyes drifted away from the sign and to whomever was holding it, she found a tall blonde who was practically bouncing on the balls of his feet like a hyper child. With him was a couple of redheads who looked like the Weasley twins, an extremely tall ravenette with a little child - it seemed as so - on his shoulders, who was eating a lollypop, and another tall ravenette - though not as tall as the other- who had glasses and a cunning face, as if it held no emotion but a ton of secrets behind it. All of the boys gave her a grin, though not all of them were innocent and childish like the blondie and the child's.

"Welcome to Japan!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2015 ⏰

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