Sandor McCann - Our Little Secret

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Hello guys! This story idea was given to me by PriestessofHades. I'd like to thank and credit them for it! Please vote and comment because I'd really appreciate it!

I am going to reference a Game of Throne's scene on here and will also add in my own so please enjoy :)


He takes my breath away. He can make me fall on my knees in an instant. He can call for me at any time and I'll go to him without hesitation. He can kill me in a flash too, but he can also love me so tenderly. He can be soft, and he can be rough. He can punish me and satisfy me altogether. I exist for him and yet he makes me yearn for him everlastingly. He is so close yet so far. Can I claim him as mine even if he's only mine behind closed doors? I want all of him. Inside and out. I want him wrap around my fingers and come at my every command. He's King Joffrey's dog but I want him to be my puppy. 

"Lady Y/N! You must hurry! Your sister Sansa is in deep trouble. We must go to her right away" a maid says franticly. I stop brushing my hair and get up from my chair immediately as I quickly rush out the door following the maid.

 I make haste towards the room with all the ruckuses. Just as I break through the crowd, I see Ser Maryn smack his sword at the back of Sansa's leg and Sansa tumbles down onto the floor. I froze in horror in horror.

"Maryn my lady is over dress... unburden her." Joffrey pronounces. Ser Maryn walks behind Sansa and rips open the back of her dress. "If you want Robb Stark to hear us, we're going to have to speak louder!" King Joffrey demands. Without hesitation Ser Maryn pulls out his sword and raises it to strike at Sansa. 

"My King! Please stop this madness! My sister has no doing in this mess" I finally step up from my position and stand next to the kneeling Sansa.

"Ah Lady Y/N, I've been meaning to summon you too. You too shall have to answer for your brother's doing." King Joffrey smirks devilishly. "Now kneel and take your punishment." I stay standing. Being under the same roof as this so-called King is enough obedience from me. I will not be prey to his cruelty too. 

"I do not wish to repeat myself. Maryn make the Lady kneel" King Joffrey demands. Ser Maryn stumps towards me and kicks me to my knees. I yelp in pain and glare at Joffrey. I notice that Sander is only stood there facing away as if he didn't want to witness any of this event. 

"Now Ser Maryn, you may unburden Lady Y/N too" Joffrey says. Ser Maryn stalks towards me with lust in his eyes and goes to grab the hem of my dress and rips some of it off revealing my thigh. I gasp in response and gather what's left of my dress against me in hopes to cover up.

I'm feel frustrated that Joffrey thinks that he can humiliate us like this. If any of our brothers knew of any of this, he would not let Joffrey live especially my twin Jon. No doubt in my mind Sansa was thinking the same thing as me. 

"What is the meaning of this?!" Lord Tyrion demands as he makes his way towards us. This cause Joffrey to look around angrily. Probably mad that he's no longer able to carry out his dark desire to punish us.

 "What kind of knight beats helpless girls?" Lord Tyrion asks while glaring at Ser Maryion. 

"The kind that serves his king! Imp." Ser Maryn snarls.

" Careful now... we don't want blood all over your pretty white cloak." Ser Bronn threatens. 

"Someone get the girls something to cover up with." Lord Tyrion yells. "She's to be your queen and Lady Y/N is her sister. Have you no regards to their honor?" Lord Tyrion harshly askes as he makes his way up the stairs and towards Joffrey. 

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