Professor Price

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Soap and Gaz got to their first period class to see their teacher writing on the chalkboard what they'd be doing that day. Price turned around to see the two, giving them a wide grin. "Oi, good morning boys. How we doin'?" He set down his chalk to face them, putting his hands on his hips.

Gaz returned the grin, Soap giving a smile back as well. "We're doing good, I woke up earlier than Soap this morning, crazy huh?" Gaz laughed, gently elbowing Soap.

Price tilted his head to the side a bit, a shocked look on his face. "Oh wow, Soap. Gaz seems like he's trying to get it together, huh?" He laughed. Soap just gave him a nod and a smile. Obviously Price knew so much about the two, they were his favorite students by far. Especially Gaz. Soap liked to think they could be family somehow.

Price turned back to his chalkboard to continue writing their lesson as the boys made their way back to their seats. Gaz started talking to Soap about something, in which case he was not listening to. He just stared off into the distance thinking about their new coach. He hoped he was better then their last. A slight part of him also hoped he looked good. He hadn't had a guy talk to him since high school at least.

Gaz waved his hand in front of Soaps face, trying to get his attention. "Hello? Soap? Did you hear a thing I just said?"

He blinked a few times, looking over at Gaz. "Do you want me to be honest? 'Cause if so, no. I didn't listen to a thing you just said." He laughed, trying to brush it off a bit as he watched Gaz huff. The rest of the class came piling in and Price began teaching his class, in which Soap barely paid attention to as he thought about how Gaz didn't even finish his homework, nor did Price ask for it.

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