The Bonfire

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After that dreadful night, Beatrix found herself standing alone before Bloodgood in her office. The headmistress sat behind her large mahogany desk, her piercing eyes fixed on Beatrix, waiting for an explanation.

With a heavy heart, Beatrix said, "I used magic on Johannah and Mr. Gore. I am so so so sorry. I was just trying to help Jackson and I panicked..."

Bloodgood's eyes narrowed, her brows furrowing in suspicion. "What kind of magic did you use?" she asked, her tone sharp.

Beatrix took a moment to think about what she was going to say. She figured that if she told Bloodgood just how complicated the magic she used was, it would only make her look even more guilty. So Beatrix decided to leave out the whole "mixing monster powers with witchcraft" stuff out of her confession.

"Just a basic sleeping potion, Headmistress," Beatrix said. "I swear, I can't even begin to tell you how sorry I am for—"

Bloodgood wasn't moved by her pleas. "You had one chance to make things work here, Ms. Ravenwood. I am very disappointed it has to end like this," Bloodgood said as she pulled out the dreaded employee termination papers.

Beatrix's heart sank, and she could feel a lump forming in her throat. "Please, give me one more chance—" she begged, her voice cracking.

Suddenly, the door flew open, and Grey burst into the office. "Wait," he said. "I left them unattended. This is on me."

Bloodgood turned to look at Grey. "And why did you leave the field trip early?" she asked.

Grey briefly glanced at Beatrix, then said, "I had my reasons. But that's not what's important right now."

Beatrix was shocked Grey had the nerve to talk to the headmistress like that, and even more shocked that Bloodgood didn't push him on it. Judging by the tense charge between Grey and the headmistress, Beatrix had a feeling there was something they both knew, something they weren't going to let her in on.

Grey continued, his voice calm yet firm. "The witch was reckless and stupid. There's no doubt about that. But still, given the situation, she did what she thought she had to. Beatrix didn't have bad intentions, she was just trying to look out for her friend."

Bloodgood frowned, not convinced. "Be that as it may, Ms. Ravenwood has broken the terms of our agreement. I simply cannot allow her to work here any longer."

"Look, I get it," Grey said, "but there's a bigger issue here. Vampires almost killed her and Guillermo. And even if it was by accident, Beatrix ended up saving two human lives. You and I both know the vampires have been causing trouble for a while. And now they're completely ignoring the rule about not leaving school grounds. You can't just kick out Beatrix. She's a witness, proof there's students at Monster High who are a threat to others."

"You're saying Ms. Ravenwood should get off scot-free?" Bloodgood asked. "After breaking the one rule she was forbidden from breaking?"

"No, I'm saying you should have the school board look into all of this," Grey said. "Let them decide if the witch stays or goes. They might need her help to hold those vampires accountable."

Beatrix chimed in, "If Bram and Vilhelm are bold enough to attack humans in the city, then they're definitely not afraid to kill a student like Gilda Goldstag in the woods."

This made Bloodgood pause. The headmistress considered their words for a very long, nerve-wracking moment, rubbing her temples. Their argument must've struck a chord.

Finally, the headmistress gave in, her shoulders slumping as she let out a heavy sigh. "Fine. Ms. Ravenwood will make her case before the school board," she said grudgingly. "I don't like this one bit. But I will allow her to stay on, at least until this vampire matter is resolved." Bloodgood then fixed Beatrix with a stern look. "Your magic use could forever damage our institution's reputation, so until the trial, don't breathe a word about any of this to anyone. And I expect your full cooperation in the investigation against Bram and Vilhelm."

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