The gang's are back

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Again, I had work and needed to be early today. I stood up early, shockingly. Mostly I don't care about getting late, but to upgrade Toman.. I really need to work hard for it. I woke up at 8:40 am and had to be there at 9:50 am. I got up and got ready, Emma already made breakfast for me. I patted her head and started eating. Draken was late so Emma did my hair instead of him. „Where are you going after work today? I heard you talk with Draken about meeting a new gang." Emma asked while brushing my hair. „Yeah, there was a gang around for a while, I want to meet them." I answered, after she was done with my hair, I left to work. It was 9:40 am when I arrived. The manager gave me some work to do, before the cafe opened. There's a long day ahead of me, I felt like quitting this job and sleeping all day long. But, now I have to work here.


It was afternoon, 'one more hour and I'm out of here, finally. It's so boring here' I thought. I looked up to see someone walk in. It was Senju, 3 guys were behind her and she looked more serious this time? She waved at me and went to the table at the corner, the boys followed her. One of them was with her last time too, the blonde-purple haired guy,  a dark haired guy next to him and another guy in front of them. He had a hood on and I wasn't able to see his face. I sometimes looked over their conversation, I heard Senju say something like 'I won't lose against him' I wonder what she meant.. four people left before I got out. After a while, I left because my shift was finally over. I immediately ran to my bike and went to the meet up place with the gang 'Brahman' . I just noticed that I wasn't wearing my uniform, not for the first time but yeah. I seemed to be on time, but the leader wasn't here? „The members are here but the top leader's haven't arrived yet." Draken said and I smiled "They'll be here soon, Kenny!!" I said and we heard cheering from the behind, the members of Brahman kept on saying 'Senju'. I turned to see and there was a group of 4 that had an epic appearance and it must've entertained the members. It was interesting. I watched as the guy in front of them took off his hood. Short white hair, green eyes and pretty lashes too? Just like Senju...weird, did Senju have a secret she didn't tell me? Well, I wouldn't force her to tell me, since it's her decision. I looked over to see the face more closely, but when we held eye contact. He just turned and walked away?? Not only me, but EVERYONE was shocked. Even the Brahman members and the executives. A male walked towards me, he was holding a cigarette and had a scar on his face. He looked kinda familiar. „You've grown a lot, the last time I saw you was when Shinichiro was around." he said, who was he? I didn't know how to answer, I just stared at him and looked confused. „Don't you remember me? I was Shinichiro's friend, Takeomi." He said, now I remember. „We came to make a tie with Toman," Wakasa said, standing behind that person who still wore a hood. „Senju. Don't be so shy and come here." Takeomi had a so-called evil grin on his face. The person with the dark hood finally took it off and it was Senju, she looked really serious. „We're here to make a deal, it's okay if you disagree. But I can't promise that our gang will get along with yours." She said, Senju is so different now? „I agree to the deal, we'll team up with your gang. Whenever you're in a fight and need backup, contact me or Kenny." I answered, Senju looked a bit shocked and bowed down to show her respect. „Thank you, the same goes to you. Contact us whenever you need us in a fight." She answered and then stopped bowing, she turned around and was about to leave, but then there were loud bike noises, none of them were from the Toman members or the Brahman ones. It was a gang, we looked to see the sadistic and violent members of the gang 'Tenjiku'. Some of the biker people were driving in a circle, Senju was still in the circle and one of the biker people had a gun. He shot Senju on the chest. I was shocked and frozen for a few seconds. The members of Brahman froze and Wakasa picked up Senju. I ran to get my bike and came back with it. Everyone was panicking and the members of Tenjiku disappeared. „ BRING HER TO ME, I'LL DRIVE HER TO THE HOSPITAL." Wakasa rushed towards me and put Senju on my bike. I was making sure she didn't fall off while driving. My bike was really fast and I rushed to the hospital. Luckily, we made it on time and the doctor took her. I was sitting in the waiting room and the blonde-purple haired was the first one to arrive. He seemed to be worried the most about her. The others came a while later. After some hours we were finally allowed to enter her room and check up on her. She was sitting on a hospital bed, eating ramen. We all entered the room and she had a smile on her face. I was about to open my mouth and say something, but Wakasa said something before I could and went up to Senju, hugging her. „How are you feeling, Princess?" Wakasa asked, I looked at him confused, 'Princess'? Am I...jealous? What is this feeling? ' Why am I acting so weird?' I thought to myself. „I'm feeling a lot better! It's like nothing happened!" Senju smiled, we all looked at her confused. „You're acting like you didn't get shot." Takeomi said, while smoking his cigarette. „Quit smoking in here, we're in the hospital." Benkei said. „Fine." Takeomi answered and left the room to throw his cigarette out. „Hey guys, could I quickly talk with Mikey for a minute?" Senju asked the boys, they both nodded and left the room. Now it was only me and Senju. „I didn't know you were a gang leader." I said, „I kept it a secret, sooo you agreed to the deal, right?" She asked, while smiling. „Yeah, I've been thinking of making you and Draken share the vice-captain role." I answered, „great, I was also thinking of making you and Takeomi share the vice-captain role." Senju said. „How's Baji?" Senju asked me, I was shocked. That question came out of nowhere, tears started to come out of my eyes. „OH, I'M SORRY FOR ASKING" Senju said, in an awkward voice. She didn't know of Baji's death. I sat down on a chair next to her bed, trying to wipe my tears away. But, I still kept on crying. This is so embarrassing, crying in front of others.. I looked up to see Senju moving from her bed and wiping my tears away. Our faces were really close to each other, we held eye contact. Till, I realized she was standing. I stood up and helped her sit down on the bed, she was sitting on her bed again. „Are you feeling better now?" She asked, with a worried face. „Yeah, a lot better." I answered, she gave me a serious face „Did something happen between Baji and you?" She asked, I looked down. „Baji passed away." Senju's eyes widened, she never expected this. „I'm so sorry." She tried to bow down but she couldn't move her body. „It's alright, don't worry." I answered. „Wait, but how do you know Baji?" I asked, confused. „Did you forget? We have known each other since Childhood." Senju explained, „My real name is Senju Akashi, my brother Takeomi was Shinichiro's friend." „Wait, so Emma wasn't messing around with me??" I said, I didn't think Emma was serious that day. „Wait, didn't you also have another brot-" Senju interrupted me with an awkward smile "I remember that one time I found Emma and Baji practicing Karate, I thought he was bullying her at first and kicked him to save Emma! At the end it turned out that Baji was just helping her..." Senju looked embarrassed, I couldn't help but laugh. I completely forgot about the question that I wanted to ask. We both laughed together and then looked over to someone opening the door „Finally, I've found you." Draken said while carrying a bag in his hand „Kenny!!!" I smiled at him „I told you not to call me Kenny in front of others!" he sighed and smiled, putting down the bag on the table „I got you two some dorayaki and other sweets." He said. Me and Senju both got excited and immediately took some and ate them, „You also bought Ice cream? I'm taking the chocolate mint flavored one!" Senju said, „I want the Mango one!" I said and we all laughed around. After some hours, It was getting late. „You two should get going, it's really late." Senju said, we both nodded and cleaned up the mess. „See you tomorrow, Senju!" I said while waving to her, she waved back „See ya! Make sure to come home safe, you two!" she smiled and we left. When we got out of the hospital, I looked to see that she was looking out the window and smiling at me, I found myself blushing at the moment and smiled back.


??????'s POV:

„You shot the leader of another gang? WHILE wearing the gang uniform? Do you want to start a war between gangs?!?" a black haired guy with a scar on his face yelled at the shooter. „But he told me to do it!" the guy yelled „who?!?" the black haired guy asked. „him" the guy pointed at the blonde haired guy. „You have a death wish, don't you?" the black haired guy with the scar on his face asked.

Hey guys !! Just to make things clear, I do not ship Senju x Wakasa, Wakasa acts like a big brother to Senju. Also, I think it's pretty obvious who's POV it was at the end scene.
Also, sorry for not updating for 2 days, I tried to make the chapter long as an apology

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