Chapter 1 "The Church"

Start from the beginning

"Maybe, I could give you the freedom of a bird and end your misery, but in return you need to help me first"

"What do you need?"

The man made a slight smile

"I need you to use your ability"

"What do you mean ability?.."

I looked at him with confusion


He snapped his fingers, and black angel wings appeared behind my back

I looked horrified

He chuckled at my horrified face

"You know what to say"

Then I said automatically..

"Kryvava Tserkva"

I was surprised at what I just said because it was the name of the church where I was located with this strange man right now. And I felt an entity behind me and looked back to see an angel that looked normal, with a mask on.. I looked at the man to see him smirking at the scene and he looked like he was satisfied?..
by what?? By my face of horror and surprise or me looking at him in confusion?? I have come to accept that I will will never know...

"How lovely, my predictions were correct, I suggest we should get out of this place because it was a hard time to finding you and we need to get started  soon."

"Bloody angel."

Did he call me a bloody angel?

But I just simply nodded and followed him. To the way of the hallways of the church that seemed to twist and turn forevermore, it was uncomfortable walking in those hallways again.  this feeling of a cycle, it was so uncomfortable... But now I'm with someone in those hallways. at least someone with me could share the misery along with me if we got lost.

How weird.
We didn't get lost.
he was confidently walking through the hallways then we finally got out of the church,  the church crashed close behind me. And I felt someone's hands on my waist  swinging me away from the ruining structure, it was the man beside me. He swung me away from the building so I wouldn't get hurt I suppose. Then I asked him.

"why did you do that?"

He gave me a cold sly look and then answered my question

"I don't want my angel to get hurt, by its own home."

"That makes some kind of some sense I guess.."

I looked around to observe everything around me. I was in a church for a long time.. wait... O shit... I forgot my journal in church. I will lose my mind without it. Then I stop and let go of the man and I turn around, hightailing it to the church. I speed walk to it then my speed walk gradually turns into running. I treasured my journal with my entire soul. I would die for it. I wrote down all my thoughts in it, and it had been with me through everything.

I'm so horrible I can't forget it.. Under any circumstances even even if it was in a church on fire, I would go back into it and get the journal.

Every time.

I through to the church's ruins and walk on them carefully not to trip over little things like furniture and wooden planks. Careful to not to step on glass it as it would hurt,  I had never felt that pain before, I would want to experience that.. But it's not the right time right now.

To find
Nothing else matters at this moment
My Journal

I dig through the fresh ruins of the structure desperately with high hopes of finding the journal but I have a lot of  thoughts rushing through my head at the same time,
but it doesn't matter to me. Only the journal does. Then I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. I opened my wings and flapped them aggressively to get the hand off my shoulder, I could not be touched in this state of desperate hope to find my journal.

Finally, , FINALLY, I FOUND IT!!!

Nothing else matters at this moment only how happy I am. I feel the tears starting to form. I try to hold them in but I failed. Miserably. Then I feel the hand on my shoulder but now I look up to see the man again. he looks at me with intrigued look with calculated  coldness in his eyes.

"What's this in your hands?" He asks

"Nothing to you have to worry about" I brushed his question off

"Oh I forgot to ask you for your name," I said to him to not make him come back to the question

"Fyodor Dostoevsky"

"Y/n L/n"

"That's a wonderful name you have, but I will give you a nickname because angel suits you."

"Okay then"

And this is a beginning the dangerous duet of Angel and Demon

Blood Angel (Fem!Reader x Fyodor (?)Where stories live. Discover now