Would I catch a Grenade for you? . . .Probably not.

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Totally new story I came up with. It’s going to be fun to write. :) Vote? Comment? Become a fan? (I promise to update my other stories as well as upload a new one called “Because You Live” which I am currently re-editing.) Enjoy!

PS: You’ll wanna stick by this story, trust me. ;)

Chapter 1

I leaned against the hood of my car, looking up at the sky as I laid the cigarette between my lips, taking a long drag before letting it out, the smoke forming like a perfect ring up in the sky. It was hot as hell and I was wearing my leather jacket.

Well why don’t you take it off? Ha, I wish I could . . . but stupid me decided to wear a tank top underneath. Yeah . . . I am so not in the mood to be harassed today.

“Yo, Parker!” One of the boys howled from across the sidewalk, a smirk on his lips. “How about me and you go out sometime?” He tried his best to put on his seductive side . . . but I could see right through it. I wasn’t as stupid as I looked.

“I don’t know Johnson. . .” I put a hand to my chin, rubbing it as though I was thinking. “Once you grow a dick bigger than the size of my pinky, then maybe we can talk.” I shot him my best ‘fuck outta here’ smile before jumping down from the hood of my car, throwing the cigarette on the floor and crushing it with the heel of my boots before pushing past him.

His face was beat red and his friends were laughing like a pack of hyenas. It couldn’t get any better than this.

Walking into the now packed hallways of Gedder High, I stuffed my fists into the pockets of my jacket, ignoring all hungry stares from guys and the fear radiating off the girls. I mean, I know I come off as some tough chick and all, but I don’t bite.

. . . Unless you want me too. –Insert wink here-

Nah, all jokes aside, I don’t like the whole high school drama. The hooking up, the dating, the rumors, the cheating, the jealous girls, all of it is just a big fat waste of human life. I mea why put yourself through all that shit? Just so you have something to look back on?

Ha. I rather look back and remember the times I never spent getting into guys pants or hooking up with the hottest guy in school. Though, the only thing about this high school experience that I do happen to enjoy . . . a lot is the partying. That I have got to admit has got to be the best part.

Finally arriving to my locker, I turned the combination into the lock before opening it. I grabbed a notebook and pen before closing it shut and walking away.

Now I know what you’re thinking. Why didn’t she bring all her books?! I don’t do school. Sure, I pay attention . . . for the most part but other than that, I daze off or cut class to smoke a cig or chill. It’s better than staying in Frandesco’s class. He can drone on and on forever about his pathetic life than to teach us what is needed to be learned. I swear, I know more about his life than I do history. It’s that bad.

The thing about me is, I carry on with my life without a care in the world. I couldn’t give a flipping shit about you or care enough to ask. I keep my distance, you keep yours and I’m as fine as ever. You piss me off and well. . . You don’t want me to get into that.

I’m a cool girl. I don’t like trouble nor do I like games. Unless you challenge me and then well, who can turn down a challenge?

Not this girl, that’s for sure.

I guess you can call me a bitch. It doesn’t affect me though. I mean, a bitch is a female dog and dogs bark. Bark comes from a tree and trees are part of nature. Nature is beautiful so therefore I am beautiful. So I take it all as a compliment. Really.

I love all eyes on me, especially when they know they can’t have me. Like I said before, I don’t do relationships. Never have, never will.

Boys irk my life. All they want is a piece of ass and that’s all. Sex is their main priority and hell if they want it so bad, why don’t they just jerk off to themselves? (Though I’m sure most of them do).

I don’t like boys. Period.

Walking into first period algebra class, I had a feeling it wouldn’t go smoothly. Usually my feelings are right but this time as I entered and noticed half the class dazed, I knew I had nothing to worry about. Taking a seat in the far back and resting my foot on the basket under the chair in front of me, leaning back as far as I could so that I was comfortable, I opened my notebook, pretending I was at least going to attempt writing something.

In came the rest of the class and Ms. Horighan with her gray permed hair and blood red nails. I swear the lady looks to be the age of 98 but tries to act as though she’s 40. Yeah, you can just imagine how well that works out.

Rolling my eyes, I stifled a sigh, knowing that this class was already going to be the death of me, until I noticed a tall figure following behind. Arching a brow, I sat up, curious to know who it was when Ms. Horighan shushed us with a finger pressed to her lips.

“Quiet down now class, quiet down. I have an announcement to make.” She smiled, turning towards the guy standing beside her. “This,” she pressed a hand to his back, “is Derek. He just transferred here from Chicago.”

Would I catch a Grenade for you? . . .Probably not.Where stories live. Discover now