good night

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I suggest listening to "good night" by mamamoo for this one shot. i pasted the link to the part where it comes in handy~✨️

btw this is lowercase intended✨️



"and uhm... yeah- that's pretty much it.", bangchan finished his story with a chuckle. his eyes flashed towards the comments of stays, most commenting witty responses to the man's story.

the group had just finished recording for their latest comeback and are currently on a short break before promotions happen. most members have gone back to their homes and are most likely resting now.

but not this insomniac leader.

"well, it's getting late stays. i'm looking forward to our comeback and i hope you are too.", he started his outro, and a bunch of 'nooo's and 'don't go channie' and the likes flooded his stream.

"it's okay guys. i'll see you all again very soon, yeah?", the black haired guy chuckled before standing up, a light grunt escaping his lips. "alright-big hug!", he exclaimed before nearing the camera and hugged it lightly for a few seconds.

afterwards, he breaks the hug and sits back down again. "good night stays!", he says before posing his signature outro pose-a wink and a peace sign- before finishing the live stream.

after the live, he slumped back on his chair, sighing in relief. he looked at the clock hanging parallel to his recording set.

10:02, it read.

he stood up and grabbed his black mahagrid hoodie and put it on over his black shirt. he grabbed his car keys and headed for the parking lot to get his car and drive home.

f.y.i., it's not the one where his members are at. we're referring to his 2nd home.

a.k.a., her apartment

after stopping the car down the street, he got out and looked around, making sure no journalists or civilians were around. when he was sure no one was in sight, he headed for the 5-story building which was a couple doors down.

the trip to his lover's apartment was a quite one, and the wolf was humming to no one in particular, trying to calm his giddiness.

he actually hadn't seen the love of his life in like... a two weeks? but he did want to make up for the lost time when he was overseas for the sake of international stays, which was 3 months. definitely a long time. despite all the calls and texts they've done, he still craved his baby's presence.

he rang the doorbell, and a few seconds after, the door opened, revealing a woman with black hair helf up in a hairclamp and square-framed glasses aiding her to see clearly. she wore a green shirt from one of the brands he endorsed and brown running shorts.

"hi yeobo,", the taller of the two greeted softly as he entered his lover's home. "hi sarang, come in.", the younger replied.

after she closed the door, chan's arms engulfed the home's owner from behind. she melted into his embrace, leaning her head on his chest.

they stayed like that for a few moments, before the woman looked up, her lips pucked a little, asking for a kiss. chan looked down at her and laughed a little, before turning his lover around to face him, and cupped her cheeks before leaning in for a kiss.

the kiss was soft on the couple's lips. she tilted her head for a better angle of the kiss. her hands slung around her boyfriend's neck, prolonging the kiss for a few seconds.

good night l bangchanWhere stories live. Discover now