Finally another part

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Emo Girl: Who shall I murder today?
Werewolf: Wednesday. No.
Emo Girl: Wednesday yes.
Artist: not me
Emo Girl: Shut the fuck up you ugly ass bath and body works candle head shaped ass. You're built like a basketball hoop. I will be outside of your window at 4:32 am. I will electrocute you, throw you in a laundry hamper, cute your eye out, toast it, force feed it to you, and then put you in the washing machine.
Artist: 😟
Egg Yolk: wow
Fishy: fucking finally
Emo Girl: You can't be talking with your salmon shaped head. Your dick is probably smaller than this staple I'm going to put in you eye you ugly as bitch. Your mother threw up as soon as she saw you. You got dropped on your head so many times that your brain is misformed and it affected your head so much that it's shaped like a cheese grater.
Divine: That's very true

Nevermore gcDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora