Chapter Twenty - Nine

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I fixed my things and prepared myself to school. I opened the shower and allowed the warm water to wash my thoughts away and refresh me. It was a good thing that Zuo Hang chose an apartment that has personal toilet as well. I don't want sharing my space with strangers. He critically thought about which place to let me live in.

After washing, I wrapped myself with a towel and stepped out the toilet. I was freaked out the moment I found a figure, standing tall with a smile on his face. My hands started to shiver and I felt myself pale.

How come he's here? I was sure I locked the door. How come Vandeleur is inside my place?!

I tightly held the towel covering my body. "Get the fuck out of here!" I immediately shout, not bothering why he's here in the first place.

"Oh, so you're still right here. I actually thought you left already." His smile turned into a grin. His eyes directed on the towel I'm holding. "Don't be shy. I'll see what's underneath that fabric soon after all."

My breathing turned heavy. He just barged in my place without caring to knock. He's looking at me with his smiling face while I'm here freaking out of his existence. There was only the two of us, and he could do whatever he wants to do. I felt my fingers turning cold. I'm nervous. I'm scared.

"Don't you dare!" I shout when he took a step close to me. I tried to see if there's anything I could atleast use to defend myself just in case, but there's nothing.

I felt like I wanted to cry. Come on, Sloane, do something! You can't just freak out right here for the whole time! I pressured myself, forcing myself to act and not to panic. Immediately, I entered back to the bathroom once again and locked the door.

I bit my lips, hearing his footsteps coming closer.

"You kept avoiding me all this time. Come on, I missed you." He gagged and knocked on the door. The simple sounds he was making were sending me shivers. "Why are you avoiding me? Shouldn't you be doing that with Zuo Hang instead?!"

I gulped. "I-I wasn't even talking to him!" I was surprised when he suddenly smacked the door, creating a booming sound.

"Don't lie to me, Sloane. I saw him talking to you during your fucking class hours. You think I'm not aware of that?"

My heartbeat is racing.

I heard him sigh. "Come on, get out of there. You'll get cold. Don't you want to clothe yourself?"

I didn't speak. I looked for anywhere I can escape instead. There was a little window, but I'm not sure if I can fit myself in there. Also add the fact that it's a window glass pane.

"You gonna get out of there or I break this door of yours?!" His voice went louder and threatening.

Right away, I immediately broke the window, creating a loud sound. Some shards got stuck on my hands, almost buried in my skin.
But the pain it brought doesn't matter anymore. What's important is get to bring myself out of this place.

But before I could even try to get myself out, the door was immediately kicked open, and Vandeleur's hand held my arm and pulled me down the floor.

"Leave me alone!" I screamed, my eyes starting to heat up. I was weakly sitting on the floor while he's looking down at me. I can see how empowered he feels with his smile.

My deep, heavy breathing further intensified when he reached out his hand to my cheek. "Don't be scared. You'll be living with me forever." His filthy words and touch made my breathing even more difficult. Especially when his hand traveled down to my neck, slowly going down further.

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