Hurt (Bonus Chapter)

Start from the beginning

Hanji notices the trail of blood from the door, all the way to your bed and stops in their tracks. "Y/n..? "Where is she..?!" Hanji says, quickly looking everywhere around the room.

Moblit hears you sniffling and slowly peaks behind the door. "O-Oh, my god.." Moblit says, his lip quivering. Hanji walks over, causing you to look up from the sound of their footsteps.

Hanji looks at you, a horrified look on their face. Your face was covered in tears, your wrists were drenched in blood, it was obvious what had been going on before they arrived.

"Y-Y/n..." Hanji says softly. You grip the razor and look away. "My love. Please. Put it down." Hanji says, their voice trembling, just as yours had done.

Tears sting at your eyes and your grip loosens on the razor in your hand. Hanji slowly reaches for it as you let it fall to the floor.

"Whoa whoa whoa.. My love, look at me y/n.." Hanji says kneeling in front of you. "Moblit. Go to the infirmary-" Hanji begins but gets cut off by Moblit. "Don't worry I'm on it.." Moblit says, quickly rushing out of the room, and shutting the door behind him.

Hanji turns their attention back to you and slowly scoots closer. "I fucked up Hanji.." you say looking at them, showing your wrists, beginning to sob uncontrollably.

Hanji quickly grabs you and wraps their arms around you. "Shhh... it's ok my love, I'm here.. Just let it out.." Hanji says through their own tears.

You weakly grip their shirt as you try and control your breathing. Hanji leans against the wall, keeping you close to them, one hand on your head and one gently rubbing your back.

"Are you mad..?" you ask almost silently. "No, sweetheart... I'm not. I'm just glad that you're ok." Hanji says, kissing the top of your head.

Moblit walks back in with a kit of supplies to help clean your wounds. Hanji looks up at their friend and then back down at you.

"Can Moblit help out Y/n..?" Hanji asks whispering in your ear. "Y-Yeah.. please.." you say in response as you slowly turn around and lean your back against Hanji's chest.

Moblit sets the stuff down on the side and sits in front of you. "These are pretty deep Y/n... I might need to stitch them up for you ok?" Moblit asks. You look back at Hanji, they nod their head and kiss your cheek gently.

Moblit gives you an injection to help with the pain as he slowly and carefully begins cleaning and disinfecting the wounds.

Since the cuts on your thighs weren't as deep, Moblit wrapped bandages around them after he cleaned them, making sure they were tight and secure.

"Alright Y/n. Are you ready?" Moblit asks with the needle and thread in his hand. You nod your head, still very hesitant. "It'll be ok my love.." Hanji says, gently holding your arms down so you don't move as much.

With that, Moblit got to work. You let out shakey breaths as you watched the needle go in and out of your flesh. "No no no.." Hanji says turning your head away and holding it against them, covering your face with their arm.

Moblit finishes about an hour later, wrapping bandages around both your arms and handing you an ice pack.

"Use this, it'll help!" Moblit says, smiling softly. You nod your head and force a smile. "Thank you so much Moblit.." Hanji says breathing a sigh of relief.

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